Heaven is in your eyes

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By Babydollxhes

Part 4 Harry, Louis, and the body kinks

Louis licked around Harry's ear as harry moaned and groaned underneath him, thrusting his hard and leaking cock against Louis' firm thigh which lay in between Harry's legs.

"Remember when I fucked your ear, baby?" Louis growled into Harry's ear.

Harry whimpered, nodding his head fast. Louis chuckled and pulled away, earning a whine from Harry because of the loss of contact..

"Wanna try something different today." Louis murmured.

He quickly sat up, leaning towards the side drawer, rummaging through it until he found what he needed. He turned back to Harry, a cotton swab in his hand. Harry's eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.

"Why do you have that?" Harry asked.

"I'm gonna fuck your ear with it." Louis grinned.

Harry gasped, his cock somehow getting harder at Louis' words.

"Please, daddy. Fuck my ear with a cotton swab." Harry whimpered.

"You don't even have to ask me twice, baby." Louis said, voice filled with lust.

He brought the cotton swab to Harry's ear (the left one, because the last time Louis had fucked his right ear well...you know the story) and slowly inserted to cotton swab.

Harry groaned as the cotton swab breached his tight ear hole.

Louis shoved the cotton swab in and out, Harry groaning and moaning as the swab repeatedly hit his ear drum. Louis reached down, grabbing both of his and Harry's dick in his hand and pumping their dicks in time with the shallow thrusts of the cotton swab.

"Fuck, Lou." Harry gasped in pleasure.

"Yeah baby, pretend it's my dick fucking your tight little ear hole instead of the cotton swab." Louis grunted, whispering dirty things into Harry's ear.

Finally, with one particularly hard thrust of the cotton swab, Harry came with a gasp. Louis came not long after that, sticky white cum landing on harry's stomach. Harry went limp after that, and Louis slowly removed the cotton swab, which was completely covered in harry's earwax.

Without thinking, Louis shoved the earwax covered swab into Harry's anus. Harry yelped in pleasure as Louis rolled the swab around in Harry's ass. Before Harry could get hard again, Louis pulled out the swab and stuck it in his mouth, moaning at the delicious taste of Harry's earwax and ass juices mixed together. Harry watched him through hooded eyes, his spent cock twitching again in interest at the sight of Louis sucking on the cotton swab as if he was sucking cock.

Louis pulled off the swab and quickly kissed harry, transferring some of the earwax into Harry's mouth so Harry could taste it too, both of them moaning in unison.
Finally, Louis pulled away from the kiss, throwing the cotton swab into a corner of the room and pulling Harry to his chest.

Harry sighed contentedly, a look of bliss on his face. "That was amazing."

Louis kissed Harry's hair and chuckled. "I agree. We need to do stuff like this all the time."

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