Worth It All

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By Teddy1008

His arms were burning, and that was all he could think of at the moment. It felt like years and years had passed when in reality, it really was only a few minutes. Or at least, he thought it was a few minutes. The ache in his arms wasn't unbearable, but it was dangerously toeing the line.

Not to mention, the sharp, tangy smell was so persistent and so, so strong, taking over the entire room. Harry's mouth was salivating at the scent, making him sweat in places that he hadn't even known were possible to sweat in.

He could hear movements from behind him. The continuous scraping noise of the knife peeling away at the skin. The clattering sound that rang out in the room every time the knife was placed down. The soft hums Louis let out while he worked away at what was in his hands.

He was aching with the urge to turn around and see what his Dom was up to. Of course, by the smell and by Louis' actions, he already knew what was happening. He wasn't dumb.

He and Louis were both kinky little shits. Of course, they both knew exactly what was going to happen. Hell, they knew some things that would make their grandmothers cry if they heard about them. Harry just didn't want to acknowledge what was about to happen. Louis only ever used this method when he was feeling particularly mean.

"Daydreaming, sweetheart?" His Dom's voice sounded especially silky today, though hushed, which clearly proved that he was concentrating hard on making sure to peel away every bit of the skin of the root.

"No," Harry muttered sullenly, shifting in his current position, "just getting comfortable."

"Mm. I'm sure you are." The scraping noises paused. "And that sentence should have ended with Sir."

"Just getting comfortable, Sir," Harry repeated, excessively stressing the word just to spite his Dom. Unfortunately, (or rather, fortunately, for his arse) Louis didn't respond to the obvious taunt that Harry was trying to trick him into falling for. Harry hung his head, twisting his arms a little in the restraints. Fuck.

With that, there were no more words spoken between the two, the grating noises of the scrapes resuming once more.

Louis was probably doing this on purpose, Harry reckoned, just to drag it out and make Harry's blood boil in anticipation. His Dom was that mean to him. He pouted.

Harry couldn't help but jump a little when a loud clatter rang out, surprising him and effectively jerking him out of his thoughts. Everything was silent for a moment, and Harry wondered if Louis had left the room.

Which, no.

Bondage 101 — never leave a bound sub alone. It was one of the basics; every person in the BDSM community knew it.

So, surely, Louis had not left the room. Louis wasn't the type of Dom to even have to leave the room as a result of being unprepared. No, his Dom was one of the most prepared, cautious Doms in the entire community.

Sure enough, a hand gently touched the small of his back, letting him know that everything was alright. He relaxed a little, licking his dry lips to wet them and lifting his head a tad bit more.

"Nervous?" The hand trailed up, following his spine, all the way up to the spot between his shoulder blades. "No? Yes? Well, you should be." Warm air ghosted up his back as well, and Harry realized that Louis' lips were nearly brushing his skin, just barely touching.

"Not nervous," Harry whispered, though he was clearly nervous. "Sir." His heartbeat was fast and loud in his ears, blood rushing in anticipation at what was soon to come.

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