Pouty Princess

375 2 1

By Noelle1224

Part 2 of Teddy Bear Princess

Harry starts to stir, Louis' warmth enveloping him from where he's plastered to his back completely dead to the world. Harry doesn't want to wake up today. In fact, he'd really like to stay just like this, curled up with his teddy bear, Cuddles, tight to his chest and being held by Louis. But unfortunately, life doesn't work like that.

Today Louis is leaving for a longer-than-usual work trip. He and Liam have an artist that they're working with and usually they're able to do everything remotely, but they all kind of want to get this project finished and they think that this will be the best way to get it done. So Louis is leaving today to meet Liam in LA and will be gone for about a month. Harry and Louis have spent time apart before, of course, but a month at a time really takes a toll on them, and an amount that big at one time is a very rare occurrence. Harry, of course, would love to come with him, since Louis is just going to be staying in their private LA home, but he has his own things he needs to stay in London for. So it's safe to say Harry is really not a fan of the month ahead.

Harry finally gives up on trying to stay asleep and, with a low groan, he untangles himself from Louis' arms, sitting up and setting Cuddles aside. He turns to look down at Louis, making sure that he didn't disturb him, and just admires how soft and relaxed he looks. His hair is messy from sleep (and last nights' activities) and laying over his forehead. Harry lightly brushes his fringe off his face, smiling at how Louis' lips twitch up into a smile in his sleep.

Looking at Louis, Harry is wondering what he's going to do for a month without being able to just sit and admire what he's like when he wants to and not being able to touch Louis when he needs to. He hasn't even left yet and is lying right beside him, but Harry's already missing him terribly, and he just really needs him right now.

Harry reaches over to get the lube out of the nightstand drawer and lays back down, facing Louis. He pours some lube onto his fingers as he prepares to open himself up, so that he's ready as soon as Louis wakes. Harry is still pretty stretched from last night, so he starts with two fingers. He reaches behind himself, first lightly tracing around his hole and adding teasing pressure before pushing his index and middle fingers inside. Harry inhales a shaky breath, trying to stay quiet, but it's difficult with him feeling as needy as he is right now. He begins twisting his fingers as he slowly pulls them out and pushes back inside, scissoring them apart every other thrust.

He reaches his other hand down to give some attention to his cock, letting out a quiet moan as he loosely wraps his hand around himself and gathers the precome at his slit with his thumb. He strokes slowly in time with the thrusts of his fingers. Harry starts picking up his pace, sliding and twisting his hand around his cock quicker as he rocks back onto his fingers and lightly thrusts forward into his hand. He begins feeling that all too familiar feeling in his tummy, so he reluctantly removes his hand from his cock, not wanting to come yet, and instead focuses on opening himself up.

Before Harry knows it, he's three fingers deep and is a whimpering mess as he fingers himself, waiting for Louis to wake up. He's feeling his orgasm approach again, but he's still not ready to come, not without Louis. He slows himself down and goes back to slow dragging and twisting motions for a bit, before deciding that he needs to wake Louis up. He brings his free hand to his mouth and licks his palm to get it wet, and reaches over to Louis' cock, which is already half hard in his sleep, most likely due to hearing Harry's noises without really registering. Harry strokes him gently but fast to get him to full hardness, all while whimpering out a string of 'Lou's'. Louis is now finally stirring and a moan escapes his lips as he thrusts his hips forward in Harry's hand. He brings a hand up to wipe the sleep away from his eyes before finally opening them.

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