Baby Girl, Let Me Work My Magic

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Harry's a hot female and Louis' at a bar, he likes her and they fuck in the bar bathrooms. That's it really.

Harry fixed her heavily breasted chest within her white crop top, loving the way the cloth had a tight wrap around the area. Her lips were firing red with her newest lipstick she had borrowed from her best friend (okay maybe she snuck it out, but no one needed to know that). Her hips held on to a tight black skirt that hugged her pretty curves and long luscious curls placed sweetly around her face.

"Perfect." She sighed with a twirl before her large closet mirror, loving how her body looked beautifully craft and sexual upon her taste. Harry really wanted to leave an impression tonight towards the boys and men that comes around a nearby club at the end of her street.

She didn't want to get laid or anything because in all honestly she was not ready to have anything intimate tonight or for a round of rough sex, but she was ready to have some boys trail after her just for the fun of it.

"Oh, gotta go now." Harry quipped as she pushed a few curls behind her ear, grabbing her small shoulder bag then headed off the door.


It was bright, really bright and bombastic within the club and suddenly Harry wishes she didn't come to the club alone because wow was she shy as hell to actually make any sexual impression. Her eyes glazed over the sweaty and crowded club and thought that maybe if she dunked down some alcohol she could actually do some stupid shit without even remembering it happening.

That goal was kept in her mind as she went for a straight beeline towards the liquor and other exotic drinks.

Her shy frown turned into a devious smirk as she plopped herself on top of a black leather stool and curled her hands over an empty glass, "Sir! I'd like to have a couple drinks!"

In a matter of seconds she was going to get crashed.


Louis sighed as he walked into the club with a group of other lads; Nick, Jeff, and Xander all of whom he really loved spending his free time with especially when it came down to having a blast within drunk clubs and fucking half awoke bitches.

However, what caught Louis's eyes was a curly haired brunette beauty that sat just a couple yards away from the bar's entrance. He didn't know why his eyes landed on her, or maybe because wow was this girl wearing the shortest and eye catching outerwear out of the entire club, but he did feel a perk of interest.

His attention was diverted, however, when he felt a nudge against his arm by one of his mates, Jeff, who looked slightly perplexed by Louis's captivated behavior.

"You alright there, mate?" he asked as he led Louis to have a seat within one of the booths along the bar's walls.

"Oh," Louis laughed, "Yeah I'm perfectly fine."


Harry felt so fucking good and god yeah she was alone, but for some reason the numerous amount of drinks she took had a great toll on her and now her lips were slick and sweet with desire and her breasts were a bit stained by the alcohol that trickled down her chin. The crop top was a bit damp, but she could careless and her skirt continued to grow shorter as she squirmed within the bar stool, her silky legs on show for anyone who's interested.

Oh and my was someone interested.

Before Harry could gulp down another drink, she felt a slight tap at the tip of her right shoulder.

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