Cupcakes and roses

676 6 1

By addic7edstyles


"Oh my god, Louis. Harder." Harry whined, digging his nails into the older boys back as he thrust in and out of Harry. The two of them hadn't gone out together. They had coincidentally met on the road and decided to spend the night at a motel.

Louis had been coming back home after a recording while Harry had been on his way back home from the gym. They hadn't expected to meet at all.

Louis panted, and gripped on to Harry's hips, hitting his prostrate dead on. Harry moaned, feeling his climax start. He leaned a bit upwards to capture Louis' lips with his for a short kiss, moaning Louis' name again. Louis could feel it building in him a well.

"Lou, I'm gonna come." Harry moaned, and Louis promptly lowered himself to Harry's neck and gave him a harsh love bite there.

"Look at me." Louis panted, his darkened ocean blues meeting Harry's green orbs.

"I love you." Harry moaned out, just as both of them hit their climaxes. Harry could feel himself getting filled by Louis' load as he ejaculated onto his and Lou's stomach. Louis collapsed on top of Harry, panting in exhaustion. They just laid there for a while, riding out their highs, comfortable in each other's arms.

"We should take a shower, love." Louis mumbled, kissing softly along Harry's collarbones, neck and shoulders.

"Hmmm." Harry replied, only wrapping his arms tighter around Louis before picking him up and taking him into the bathroom. It wasn't the most luxurious, but it was something. He quickly turned the shower on before stepping in, taking Louis in with him.

"Someone's excited again, I see." Louis mumbled against Harry's lips, glancing down at his hard on with a smirk. Harry had the audacity to blush the slightest bit as he watched in boyfriend kneel down against the onslaught of water pouring out of the shower head.

Louis licked Harry's tip, glancing up into his emerald eyes before licking along his base as well, making Harry hitch his breath. He gave Harry a devilish grin before taking him in suddenly, completely. Harry gasped, gripping on to the wall desperately as Louis sucked him off.

What neither boy noticed was the pap perched on the nearby tree recording everything happening through the open bathroom window.

"I'll leave first." Louis promised Harry quietly, pulling his hood over his head and slipping on a pair of shades. Harry nodded quite happily. Last night had been amazing.

"Don't come out for a while, okay? I don't want anyone to notice the two of us leaving together. It would create problems." Louis explained, leaning in to kiss Harry's lips again.

"Last night was amazing." Harry mumbled against Louis' lips, wrapping his strong arms around the older boys' strong torso and pulling him closer. Louis giggled like a schoolgirl before pulling away and walking towards the door.

"Love you Hazza." He called happily before leaving.

About 15 minutes after Louis left, Harry got a text from him.

LouBear : Haz, the place is swarmed with paps. I managed to slip away unnoticed and I'm taking a cab home. You take the car. Love you xx

Harry groaned before tangling up his hair again and waiting another 45 minutes or so before stepping out of the room. Unlike Louis though, he was recognized. The paparazzi swarmed him immediately, throwing questions to and fro about what he was doing at a motel.

Harry managed to get in his car quickly and drive away, ignoring the paparazzi.

Louis was about 10 minutes away from the boys' shared flat when his phone lit up with an incoming call from his mother. Wondering what was up, he answered immediately.

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