You Stained My Lips

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Vampire Louis eats Female Harry out when she suddenly gets her period

"Babe, you okay?" Louis asked, caressing through long locks of hair of his lover, "You're awfully quiet today."

He looked back down at the young female he loves dearly, who was cuddled up right into his chest whimpering and huffing out small breathless pants. Louis blinked a bit in surprise as he pushed Harry back a bit to see her face formed into a grimace.

"Harry?" He asked once more, "What's wrong?"

Harry shook her head as she kicked her legs weakly, squirming, "My stomach huuuurts." She drawled out, "I feel like I'm getting kicked right up my-"

"Shh." Instantly Harry's words were shot back into her mouth as Louis pushed the tip of his index finger over her quaking lips, "Baby girls don't curse." He chuckled, but his smile dropped as he watched more of Harry's frustration leave from her lips that stung Louis right into his chest. He hated seeing his little love get hurt or feel hurt.

"See, if you weren't selfish and turned me into one of your kind I wouldn't have to suffer from pain like ever." Harry groaned.

Louis snorted at Harry's insignificant argument and moved his hand towards her clothed torso, his fingers played against the hem of her light pink top and smiled at the little hiss from her lips once he touched her heated abdomen with cooled fingertips.

"Being a vampire isn't as easy as you think. Not that great either." Louis hummed, "You'd probably get tired of it after a couple hours."

"Oh quiet." Harry hushed, "You like it when I'm in pain and fuck my body hurts for the stupidest reasons I'm sick of it."

"Aw Baby," Louis cooed as his hand slipped higher and higher under her top, savoring the heat of her skin and the pretty little ridges of her ribs and breasts, "I hate seeing you hurt like this, but-" His cool breath struck Harry's cheek, which sent shivers down her spine,"I really don't want to risk anything. Understand?"

Harry opened her mouth to complain, but moaned a muffled shout as Louis' lips met with hers, distracting her for a good moment as the palm of his hand pressed against the left of her breast, kneading it and slowly twitching the tip of her nipple. He pulled away then and glared back down at the girl who looked back up to him with the same awe.

"It's not fair you keep shutting me up with your mouth." Harry muttered.

The other's head shot back as he laughed,"Is that a complaint?" and only laughed harder as the girl whispered out a 'no, I like it.'

"Alright, I don't know what's with the stomach aches, but I can't see my baby stay in pain." Louis pouted and pulled off from Harry to reposition himself over her.

His hands were placed at either side of her head, the flow of her curls delicately tangled with Louis' fingers.

"Are you going to give me pain medication? God that's boring-"

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