The smell of pleasure

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By Babydollxhes

Part 1 of Harry, Louis, and the body kinks

Harry and Louis have been together for 3 years. In terms of their sex life, it wasn't exactly boring. During their first few months as a couple, their sex was slow, sweet and simple vanilla sex. But throughout the years, their sex life managed to get much, much more interesting. They discovered they shared a mutual number of kinks, ranging from daddy kink to bondage kink. However, there were still those rare days where one of them would discover a new kink they'd never thought they'd have.
It happened to be one of those days.

And it was one fucking weird kink.

Louis and Harry lay in bed together, legs tangled, sheets a mess around them. Harry's head lay on Louis' chest, his long arms wrapped around his torso, while Louis absentmindedly carded careful fingers through Harry's wild, long curls.

Reruns of 'friends' was quietly playing on the TV, but Harry wasn't concentrating on that. Instead, he was focused on the hand in his hair.

Harry squirmed a little. He'd always had a kink for having his hair being pulled, and Louis knew this. Louis gave a sharp tug to his hair to get harry to stop moving. Harry whimpered, the sharp pain going straight to his dick. It was funny how at the age of 21, he somehow still had the sex drive of a horny 16 year old boy.

He could feel his dick growing harder against Louis' thigh each time Louis tugged on his hair. He knew Louis could easily feel it, but he didn't acknowledge it. Instead, Louis' gaze was still concentrated on the TV.

"Lou." Harry whined, starting to grind against Louis' thigh, searching for friction.

Suddenly, Harry felt himself being manhandled onto the bed, suddenly off of Louis' chest and flat on his back, hands held tightly above his head as Louis straddled him, staring down at him.

"Tsk tsk Harry. That was very naughty of you, wasn't it?" Louis said, shaking his head, easily sliding into character

"M'sorry, I'm just so hard." Harry whined.

"Good boys always wait. Are you a good boy, Harry?" Louis asked, slowly grinding his arse on Harry's dick.

"Yes." Harry moaned, nodding his his head frantically. He whined loudly when Louis stopped moving, fixing Harry with a stern look.

"Yes what, Harry?" Louis asked, holding Harry's gaze.

Harry slowly bit his lip. "Yes, daddy." he whispered.

Louis groaned, the name going straight to his dick. Harry had been calling Louis 'daddy' for years, but the name still managed to stir something up in him.

"Good boy." Louis praised. He got off of Harry, the latter whining at the loss of contact, and went to their 'special box' to retrieve some of their toys.

"Clothes off. Now." Louis demanded.

Harry wasted no time in complying, standing up and quickly taking off his shirt and taking off his shorts. Louis groaned when he saw Harry was wearing a pair of his pretty lace panties, the tip Harry's cock looking obscene as it protruded out of the top of the innocent panties.

Louis thought Harry looked beautiful. The pale pink panties looked beautiful and blended perfectly against his pale, milky skin. His long hair flowed freely down past his shoulders. His pretty green eyes were already wide and glassy, and his lips were red and slightly full from being bitten. He already had a look of pure bliss on his face out, even though Louis had merely ground on him.

"Come here, princess." Louis said softly.

Harry slowly padded over to Louis, holding his hands behind his back, gazing at Louis through his eyelashes, looking as submissive as ever. Harry was taller by Louis by an inch or four (much to Louis' annoyance) but he still somehow managed to make himself look small.

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