once i figured it out (baby, it was easy)

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By istajmaal

Part 2 of time travel daddy


Louis kisses Harry's temple and looks back at the older Louis and Harry. "What were we supposed to be talking about?"

"How Harry would really like you to tie him up and torture his nipples," older-Louis says.

or, the orgy where louis teaches louis how to be harry's daddy by demonstrating on harry. with the aid of a few props.

After three months of increasingly vitriolic arguments with his immediate higher-ups over his relationship with Harry, Louis seriously considers bringing earplugs to the meeting he and Harry are called to with Simon. He doesn't, but only because he's never been one to shrink from a good shouting match.

"Frankly," Simon says, "I have nothing to say to you."

Louis has a few things in mind that he could say to Simon. He opens his mouth to start to, but Simon continues.

"Which is why I've invited some special guests from the future to talk to you instead." Simon picks up a pen and starts to write something, not even watching Harry and Louis's reactions. "You'll be here at three, so don't be late."

Louis walks out. No one bothers to follow him when he does that anymore, apparently. Not even Harry. Louis leans against the closed door to Simon's suite for a minute, breathing hard, but he can't hear what Harry is saying. He stalks down the hall to his and Harry's suite and collapses onto their bed, putting his hands over his eyes.

It's been almost two years since thirty-year-old Louis sat him down and told him that if he didn't fight for Harry, he could lose him. Since then, Louis's done nothing but fight, and fight and fight.

Harry comes in a few minutes later. He kicks his shoes off and crawls into bed, resting his head in the crook under Louis's arm.

"Hi," Harry says. He picks up Louis's hand and drapes it over his chest.

Louis grunts. Harry doesn't say anything for a minute, just breathes slowly in sync with him.

"You're upset," Harry says. He sounds tired. He toys with Louis's hand on his chest. "I hate when you're upset."

Harry loves Louis. Louis knows that. Anyone who's ever seen them in the same room knows that, probably. But lately... lately, he's been acting like he's tired of fighting for Louis, and Louis doesn't know what that means.

"Well, I get upset sometimes, Harry, all right?" Louis says. He pulls his shoulder out from under Harry and rubs his face with both hands. "That's just. I just do."

Harry stays very still. Louis doesn't look at him. "I didn't mean you shouldn't get upset," Harry says, carefully, like he's worried Louis might bite him.

Louis presses his closed fist to his forehead. "I know." He turns over to face Harry, who is biting his lip and frowning. "Sorry for snapping, I'm just--you know."

Harry's face softens a little. "I know," he says. He puts a light hand on Louis's waist and half-smiles. "At least there's some good coming out of it, though. Right?"

Louis closes his eyes. "Yeah."

"We didn't know anything, the first time," Harry says. He slides his hand up under Louis's shirt a little, rubbing circles into the bare skin and sighing. "God, just think of all the things we could have tried, if we hadn't been--y'know."

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