Pregnant Princess

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By Noelle1224

Part 3 of Teddy Bear Princess

Louis stretches with a long groan as he wakes up. He reaches out for Harry, but his hand is met with empty bed sheets. Harry's spot is still warm, so he knows that he hasn't been awake much longer than him. Louis turns his head to grab his phone to look at the time, it's just after 9AM, and when Louis looks back over to Harry's side he sees a half-eaten package of saltine crackers and an open ginger ale sitting on the nightstand.

It's been about two weeks since Louis came home and Harry told him that he was pregnant. And in those two weeks Harry's morning sickness has gotten a lot worse. It's finally started happening more regularly where it isn't hitting him at any time of the day, but now he's having trouble keeping food down early in the day. Harry usually now starts his mornings with water, apple juice, or ginger ale and saltine crackers or dry cereals like Frosties or Cinnamon Life. They help soothe his stomach a little, but it doesn't always work in his favour. And today is another day where it doesn't seem to work.

Louis gets out of bed, his hair a complete mess, wearing thin joggers, and heads over to the bathroom where he can hear Harry getting sick as quietly as he can. Louis immediately goes to Harry and pulls his hair back where it's fallen all around his face as Harry leans over the toilet, keeping it held away. A choked sob escapes Harry when he realizes he's no longer alone and he throws up again. Louis just sits down beside him and rubs his back with his other hand.

"You're okay, love." Louis soothes, as another bout hits Harry with a miserable groan following. Louis hates seeing Harry like this; hates seeing him sick, but there's nothing he can do about it since morning sickness is just an unavoidable part of pregnancy. And unfortunately, Harry's has gotten worse.

Harry looks and feels terrible. His face is pale and covered in a cold sweat, tears covering his cheeks, his stomach is cramping and doesn't want to settle, and his face is practically buried in the toilet, forehead resting on his arms. As much as he hates Louis seeing him like this, all gross and vulnerable, he's thankful for him being here rubbing his back and keeping his hair, which he didn't get the chance to pull up himself, out of his face. Harry moves enough to reach a hand down and pat Louis weakly on the thigh as a silent thank you for being with him.

When Harry thinks he's finally finished throwing up he stays where he is a few minutes longer just to be sure. After he's sure he's finished he brings his head up and leans back, falling into Louis where he's waiting with open arms. Harry blinks his eyes open and shut feeling a damp hand towel being pressed against his forehead and over his face. He's not sure when Louis grabbed one, but he is not complaining. He makes a small noise in the back of his throat and Louis soothes him by brushing his hand over Harry's messy hair.

"Shhh, it's okay." Louis says, placing a sweet kiss at Harry's temple. "Morning, baby."

Harry groans. He hates starting the mornings this way, but that's just how it is for the time being. He might as well get used to it. "Morning." Harry croaks, coughing as he feels how raw his throat is and reeling at the bad taste in his mouth. "Thank you." He says after he's cleared his throat some. "For pulling my hair back. I never got to it before I got sick. Sorry I woke you."

Louis dismisses that right away. "You didn't wake me, love. And of course, I'm here to take care of you." Louis replies, still rubbing up and down Harry's back softly. "Do want to shower now? I can wash your hair for you."

"That'd be nice." Harry hums. "Could you grab my ginger ale really quick though? And I need to brush my teeth."

"Course, love. I'll be right back." Louis places another kiss to Harry's temple as he helps him up off the floor before going back to the bedroom for Harry's drink, hearing the faucet running soon after. When Louis returns, Harry is leaning over the sink, his arms outstretched and supporting most of his weight, his hair hanging over his face, and his back tensed. Being sick really takes it out of him and Louis doesn't like having to see him like this all the time; it's only been a couple of weeks and he's already done with it. "Here you go, baby." Louis says as he comes to him from the side, handing Harry his drink, and placing a hand on Harry's low back.

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