Forget the Peanut Butter

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Harry's new neighbor lets his dog run freely between their yards. He's annoyed by it at first... but then he decides it could be fun.

This fic contains BESTIALITY 

don't even know how I found this

It wasn't as if Harry meant for it to happen, it's just his obnoxious new neighbor was incapable of keeping his dog in his own yard. It wasn't something he had even thought about before, really. So he can't exactly say how he wound up here.


His new neighbor is driving him crazy. Again. This time having let his mastiff out the backdoor before proceeding to get into his car to speed off to god knows where. And of course the animal gets excited when he sees Harry across his own yard, sticking his nose right in his face and slobbering all over it.

"Ugh, gross, get away," he tries to scold, pushing at the dogs face. It would help if he wasn't down at the dog's level but his flowers needed weeding and it was a good day to be outside so he found himself on his knees in the grass, a direct target for slobber. He had pulled on some gym shorts and an old tshirt but left his feet bare before coming outside. He loves the feeling of cool nature against his toes, the grass tickling his feet in a perfect way. It's blissful.

But his neighbor's animal is disrupting his peace.

Eventually the mastiff gets bored of him and wanders off and out of Harry's mind. As long as he wasn't being bothered, the dog was not his concern. It wasn't his job to babysit the neighborhood pets. If it got hit by a car or ran off it wouldn't be his fault. It would be that of the neglectful owner.

When it happened, it wasn't something that his brain could completely process fast enough to stop. The heavy weight that thunked onto him from above and the hug of limbs around his sides was a shock. At first he thought one of his friends had sneaked around back to surprise him, tackled him just for a laugh.

But then he felt it.

Something poking against his ass and he could feel the warmth and even wetness through thin material of his gym shorts, more prominent with the fact that he hadn't pulled on boxers. He didn't even know this dog's name but as Harry pulled weeds on all fours, the beast had mounted him and now was humping his doggy erection against his ass with a powerful force he hadn't expected. Not that he had expected anything in the first place.

"Oh my god! Get off!" Harry shrieks and wiggles around to push the dog off. "Go home!"

Harry gets up and quickly runs up to his house, leaning against the closed door once he's made it inside. He'd never been humped by a dog before. He reaches down and squeezes his dick, moaning but ashamed at himself for being just a little stiff from the incident. There was still a damp spot on the back of his shorts from the dog's penis and he ran his fingers over it experimentally.

"Its just because it's been so long since you got laid," he tells himself in a montra, "You're just horny and missing the weight of a body on top of you. That's the only reason you got hard."

He breathes through it but still ends up jerking himself off during his shower later. If the images slip to the events of the afternoon a few times, he pretends it doesn't happen.


It happens again the following day.

Harry was spreading mulch around a bush in his yard, work gloves on and down on hands and knees. He had even worked up a bit of a sweat. His knees were set wide in the grass, bouncing his hips along to his music and enjoying the feeling of his balls shifting against the light fabric of his shorts. He loves being naked, loves having his junk hanging out free, but it wasn't exactly appropriate to garden naked when the houses in his neighborhood were so close together. This was the closest he could get.

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