Such A Naughty Student You Are

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"I can't believe you got detention again, Harry." Zayn scoffed as he sat beside Harry who was slumped over her seat with hair hiding her pretty features. The pair were seated near the front of their lecture rows, not too far from where the teacher had stood just a few moments before Harry had been reprimanded for who knows how many times.

Harry merely sat back properly on her seat as she slipped the tip of her index finger into her ringlets, twirled them as she spoke, "It's been probably the 9th time this month, how could you not believe it by now, Malik?"

"You know what I mean and Harry, fuck you keep getting detention for the-"

"The naughtiest things, yeah I know," Harry grinned and looked back at the front where the flustered, attractive teacher stood. It was evident on his face he was crashed with questions of his self-conscious, because Harry isn't decent at all, even in a classroom setting.

Harry Styles, Harry Styles, the name itself had a vibrant tone that captivated many people around her. Especially since her added attractiveness of a lean, tall body incorporated into her style of seduction that had men run for her. It was probably one of her most favorite things about herself, the fact that her handful sized breasts, petite hips, pale skin, and plush lips were the epitome to her demise.

Now, the two males her own eyes decided to target upon were males that were way out of her standard, age, and overall lifestyle. In fact, it was none other than her English teacher, Mr. Tomlinson. The very class she was currently sitting in with Zayn, the very same teacher that had been fed up by Harry's constant teasings for days. But, oh poor Harry, she couldn't help it, couldn't get away. Her eyes were entranced by the steaming attractiveness that emulated from Louis' aura. The way he smiled before entering the classroom, bright and pearly, the way his eyes sparkled under the poor lighting of the class that immediately brightened Harry's day more than any other light source could ever do. Oh and God, have mercy , but those hands what seemed to be small, but consist of such firm dominance under the exterior had Harry's spine send shivers throughout her body. Then, oh dear, his fingers was what she wanted to suckle on for the rest of her life (other than his cock) which had two nimble fingers tattooed at the base with the numbers '28' and all she could think about was how many minutes it'll take for those very numbers to sink deep inside her to make her orgasm in ways she never thought possible. Mr. Tomlinson was just so bloody fucking perfect.

She wanted him and she wanted him bad.

Due to that, her body and mind would create a plan of its own to seduce, to provoke the man, which always led to some sort of detention hall and that just sucked because Mr. Tomlinson wasn't even in the class with her, no he just bloody leaves her alone. Oh and why did she get detention in the first place? Well maybe because her clothes are far beyond the allowed dress code. Everyday she had a new similar set of school attire that were color coded, but different per day. Her tennis skirts would barely pass her bum and she just loved, fucking enjoys wearing tight crop tops that emphasized the shape of her bra, along with cup size. It made people around her swoon and she lived for the attention, especially Mr. Tomlinson's. Sometimes, in order to pass the school gates, she would make sure to wear an oversized jumper on top and once she was in she would shove it in her locker to never see it again. Oh my, was it fun to strut the halls with her pretty loose curls wrapped around her face, some high-class makeup that had her red lips even fuller, and legs so soft and clean no one was worthy enough to stare.

One of her other favorite things to do though, is sit properly within her seat right in Mr. Tomlinson's view and right when he lectures is where the fun begins. In fact, Harry never knew how fun it could be to stretch a few inches within her seat where her shirt would pull up and reveal an excess amount of unnecessary skin to prying eyes, or when her thighs are parted to add some air in or relief, her skirt would ride up her thighs and show a few things she should never show in a classroom. What got Louis to finally announce a detention sentence on her was when he had to stop mid-lecture and gasp as he got a peek of pink underwear flashed before his eyes.

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