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By captures

They led him through a dimly lit hallway, the walls leaking with water. Dust clouded around them with fury while the boy in their hands began whining. Dirt and grime covered the concert floor, filling in the cracks in the boy's naked feet.

Two pairs of hands held him up as another slashed a whip across his back from behind, reminding him to stay awake until they reached their destination. Grunts of pain left the boys mouth with every crack across his back.

His head hung low, unable to withstand the pain he was going through. He tried to fight them off. He promises, but his struggles were in vain and he gave in soon after. His cheeks were stained with tears and dark blue bruises; his feet with blood from being dragged down the hallway.

His legs at given out from the drugs they pumped into his system. He could barely comprehend where and what was happening right now. All he knew was that the situation was less than ideal. His head was pounding and he needed to lay down, which the man walking behind him was preventing him from doing. He wanted to scream, cry out, in protest, but his lips would not open.

The young man was quite literally thrown onto his stomach into a small cell, complete with a toilet and sleeping mat. He flipped onto his back with all the strength he had left in his body, forgetting his back was littered with bloody slash marks.

His body convulsed with pain as his damaged back came in contact with the concert floor. He tried to flip himself over, but only accomplished looking like a fish out of water. He let out a startling scream before his body gave out on him and his eyes fluttered closed.


When the boy came to he was chained to a wall. Not just his ankle, but his enter body; his arms shackled above him and his legs spread apart and held in place by shiny new cuffs. His vision cut off by a black, silk cloth. A gag occupied his mouth, stopping him from screaming out for help. He began to struggle. His back still ached from last night's torture and his spread eagle pose was doing nothing to make him comfortable.

The drugs they had given him did nothing to his memory. In fact, every event from last night would be forever imbedded in his brain. He was starting to wish the drugs they pumped in him would have made him forget his capturing.

He jerked in his chains, praying that somehow they would release him from their tight hold. After several minutes of failed attempts and bloodied wrists, he sunk back on himself and hung his head in defeat. At the moment he was done fighting, knowing he would need his energy for later if he could even think of escaping.

Several minutes later he heard a loud bang as a metal door swung open. His head whipped to the side in an attempt to find the source of the noise. The only thing he was greeted with was darkness and the sound of approaching footsteps, which sent him into a state of hysteria. He flailed around in his chains, muffled protests escaping from around the gag stuffed in his mouth.

"You need to stop this instant or I'm going to have to find another way to calm you."

The boy ignored the man's comment and threw himself around harder in attempt to free himself and attack the bastard in front of him. His disobedience did not go without punishment and before he even knew what was happening a swift punch was delivered to his stomach sending him flying into the wall.

His hooded eyes brimmed with tears, unseen by the man in front of him. The boy never had a strong pain threshold and the punch was enough to have him out of breath. He wanted to curl in on himself in hopes of stopping the pain coursing through him.

"Small pain tolerance, I see. We must work on that young man." The boy flinched when a rough hand ran its path down his face to his neck, squeezing lightly, before retreating.

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