got a secret, can you keep it?

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By fencelessx

"Harry! Edward! Come here, we're leaving now!" Anne yelled as she stood by the door with her husband, Robin.

She and her husband were going to Manchester for the weekend to visit their daughter Gemma at Uni.

The 17-year-old twins came tumbling down the staircase in a fit of giggles and little shoves.

Harry ran up to his parents and wrapped an arm around each of them, "Goodbye, tell Gems I say hi and that I miss her," he mumbled.

He had wanted to go see his sister as well but wasn't allowed. Four days prior he had gotten himself grounded by soaking the inside Robin's car in dishwashing liquid, right before he had to go to an important meeting.

He was grounded for two weeks, meaning he couldn't go with them to visit Gemma and since they didn't trust him at home alone, Edward had to stay with him and keep him in line.

"Will do, darling," his mum says before pulling away to hug the slightly older twin.

"Bye mum, bye dad," Ed says as he gives them each their own hugs. Robin's their stepdad, but they've always considered him their real dad.

"Bye, sweetheart, make sure you keep an eye on Harry, yeah?" Anne says to Edward.

"I'm right here," Harry cuts in, "I can hear you, and he won't need to because I'll be fine,"

"Well let's hope so, yeah," Robin said.

Anne looked at the bronze watch on her wrist, "We really need to get going, Honey. We'll see you boy's on Monday, stay out of trouble, I love you both," she said kissing their cheeks.

"Love you too,"

"Have fun, love you,"

The twins said as they watched their parents get in their mum's car (Robin's was still being cleaned) and drive away.

Edward closed the door and the two walked over to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Guess it's just us then, hey Hazza?" Edward said wrapping an arm around Harry and bringing him in to cuddle.

The two have always been extremely close, which is why Ed wasn't mad when he found out he couldn't go see Gemma because Harry got himself grounded. He wouldn't want to go anywhere without the younger boy anyway.

"Yeah, Eddy, just us," Harry whispered, tucking his face into his brother's neck and breathing in his heavenly scent.

"Wanna watch a movie, bub?" Edward asked.

Harry was always so much softer with Edward. Around everyone else, he's all mischief, but with Edward, he turns into a soft submissive teddy bear.

And Edward would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about just how submissive his brother could be.

"Yeah, Ed, sounds good," Harry mumbles into Edward's neck.

"Alright, babe, I'll be right back, any requests?"

"C-can we watch Fifty Shade of Grey?" He asks shyly.

Edward's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, not thinking Harry would be into that sort of film.

"Uh, yeah, s-sure thing, Haz," he says as he goes up to his room to grab his copy of the movie.

By the time he puts the movie in and grabs the remote to start it, Harry is whining about wanting cuddles.

Edward chuckles fondly and heads back to the couch, picking Harry's smaller body up and sitting down with Harry on his lap, cuddled into his chest.

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