It Feels Right When The Pink Matches His Lips

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Cherry Blossom is a pretty shade of pink, Harry decides. It seems to compliment his skin tone well and it matches the blush that rises every time Louis praises him. He wonders if this is acceptable, not for rummaging through Jade's closet and make-up drawer without her consent, Harry knows she wouldn't mind, but if it's okay for him to wear this soft shade of pink and for him to wear lipstick. If it makes him feel good, it should be okay, right?

And Louis seems to like it too. He loves when Harry wears that one shade of blue that miraculously matches Louis's eyes, the one he found on a quick trip to Boots. Because when Harry wears that color, Louis thinks it's a subtle sign that he's Louis's. And Louis is his. Sometimes, because Louis loves Harry so much, he'll paint his nails green like Harry's eyes. They can't find the exact shade of green like they have with the blue, but it's good enough for now. They'll keep the paint on their fingernails for days at a time, the boys and their close friends teasing them for it, but all in good manner.

And when Harry gets compliments not only from Louis about how his one lilac sweater pairs well with the cherry blossom lip color, but from their hairdresser, the boys, some of the crew, and even their stylist, he thinks it'd be okay if he wore it all in public. But the media isn't as kind as his closest friends.

"This is brutal," Harry hears Niall say, shaking his head and handing over whatever he was reading to Liam. Louis is stood behind them both, reading whatever is on Niall's phone as well. His face scrunches up, eyebrows furrowing and scoffing in disgust.

"Idiots, they all are. Tabloids are nothing but bullshit and judgement." Louis says, face reddening.

"What's going on?" Harry asks, suddenly feeling small in his too-big sweater.

"Nothing, love, go back to sleep. We have a show later, you have to rest." Louis walks over, rubbing Harry's wrist softly. He's tired, eyes starting to close again so he doesn't protest, only follows Louis back to his small bunk, sighing contently when he feels the soft bed dip under his weight. Louis climbs in with him, practically falling off the bed and clinging to Harry's tummy for balance.

When they wake up, it's time for their next show of their first tour. It's magic really, that feeling they get every night, walking out on stage. They've gone through about thirty shows so far, half of their entire tour, but it never gets old. The fans start cheering for them as soon as they walk out, and even louder any time Louis and Harry so much as share a look. The pair publicly announced their relationship a little bit ago, they lost some and gained some, but it felt nice to just be themselves. The boys were incredibly supportive when they found out, already having their own suspicions.

"Good afternoon, Fairfax! How are you all tonight?" Liam greets the crowd, sitting on the arm of their tour couch. It's basically become a part of the tour, the crew bringing it out every night. A majority of the time they're sitting on it on stage unless they're singing or answering questions from Twitter. Some of the fans more to the top have videoed some embarrassing moments between Louis and Harry, like when during one of their shows Louis not so subtly motioned for a blowjob. It was plastered all over Twitter by the time the boys went online to check the feedback, Louis and Harry getting teased relentlessly by the rest of the boys for their little act.

The fans that night also noticed Harry's painted nails, some of them complimenting them, most of them just confused. The world 'girly' was thrown around a lot that night, and Harry couldn't figure out whether it was good or bad. He contemplated taking the nail polish off, but the pretty color practically begged him not to, staring right back at him.

The media took notice a day or two after, publishing articles about how one of the members of the current biggest band in the world might be turning into a female. Inconsiderate dickheads, that's what Louis called them.

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