wild love twisting all over for you

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By angelichl

"Hey, darling. I don't believe we've met before."

"We haven't," Harry agreed, reaching out for a handshake. He was pulled into a hug instead, a strong embrace with nothing shy about it. Their bodies pressed together; they were already beginning to learn each other. "You're Louis?"

"I am. And you're the famous Harry Styles."

Harry laughed a little and pulled away, bashfully tucking a curl behind his ear. "So you've seen..." he trailed off. The fragrance of the man's cologne clung to Harry even with the distance between them now, something like vanilla and tobacco. He was a bit dazzled by the sight of him too, despite working in an industry that surrounded him with attractive men.

Louis smirked, leaning over to grab a water bottle from the table, twisting open the cap. "Love your videos," he confirmed, and there was a teasing lilt to his tone, like he just couldn't resist making Harry blush. "I feel like I'm in the presence of a celebrity. Many, many men would kill to be me today."

Harry laughed again, feeling shyer than he had in a long time and trying not to think about why that was the case. He deflected the compliment with ease, turning it back on Louis: "And any day, I'm sure."

His job was one that gave him more confidence than anything, turned him from a clumsy, awkward person into someone who could flirt with anyone. But three years of this and he still hadn't gotten used to it, meeting a new person and knowing exactly what they would be doing within the next hour. It was fun and exciting, the most adventurous thing he did regularly, and he loved it, loved how much it challenged him to open up and just be.

Louis opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by the director calling him over to decide what exactly they wanted to do today. Harry had already handed over his list of hard no's, content to let them figure out a sequence of events. For now he set his things down on one of the chairs and undressed.

As he was slipping out of his joggers and t-shirt, he watched Louis from afar. The anticipation was building up and he could feel himself turning jittery and excited, eager for what was to come.

Louis often didn't show his face in his videos—Harry would know, he spent hours last night watching them to see what he was getting himself into—but Harry recognized his honey skin and masculine yet delicate hands. The rest would be visually familiar once he got naked, but the feeling was always new, always something to explore...

"Harry, love, get over here," the director called, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He pulled on the soft robe that had been offered to him upon entry to the hotel suite and wandered over to where Louis and the director had been discussing the logistics of the positions and how to film them. Louis stood with a hand on his hip, overlooking the space they had to film as if he was planning the sequence in his mind. In the daylight streaming in from the floor-to-ceiling windows Harry couldn't help but notice his eyes were a pretty pale silver-blue. And he had faint summer freckles on his nose.

"Would you like to know the plan? Or would you prefer a surprise today?"

Pulling his lip between his teeth, he considered the director's question, aware of the way Louis' eyes lingered on him, waiting for his answer. Not knowing what he was getting himself into could be scary, but more exhilarating. It was an otherworldly experience to completely give himself up to someone else for a few hours but obviously there were dangers that came with it, especially when that other person was a stranger.

But Harry had worked with this director before, at least a dozen times. They knew each other well by now and Harry trusted him. Harry also trusted his best friend Niall, who was sitting in the other room watching a golf tournament on TV. As awkward as it was, he always accompanied Harry whenever he was doing a video that included bondage, so he could intervene if anything went wrong or someone tried to take advantage of Harry.

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