let me put on a show for you daddy

729 4 0

By sky_reid


harry is an art (per)form(ance).

He spreads his legs slowly, keeps his feet planted firmly on the bed and parts his knees until he can see Louis in the frame of his thighs. He feels a shiver run through him at the way Louis is looking at him, dispassionate and disinterested and with just a hint of challenge in the set of his jaw. He's still wearing his suit; it's slightly wrinkled now from where it's been clinging onto the curves of his body all night. The top two buttons of his shirt are undone, showing just a peek of bare skin. Other than that, he looks just as impeccable and put-together as he has all night. The armchair he's sitting in should dwarf him, make him appear even smaller than he really is. It doesn't. He's always a giant in Harry's eyes when they play like this, but today he looks even older, even more commanding and in control. Not a single muscle in his body so much as twitches; he's not bouncing his foot where his ankle rests on his knee and his fingers curve over the edges of the armrests elegantly without gripping it. His eyes never stray away from Harry, yet he appears entirely unaffected. Harry blushes.

The only light in the room is on the bed (on him) making it feel like a stage that he's performing on. Even after so many years, that still gets his heart racing. He runs his hands over his thighs and sighs. The skin is smooth and soft, sparkling with the glittery lotion he put on after he shaved. He squirms a little lower on the bed. The position alone is enough to turn him on, the fact that Louis is watching is enough to make him feel like there's lightning sparking all over his body. He clenches around the plug in his arse, careful not to moan at the feeling. It's the only thing Louis doesn't know about, a little pink thing he put in after Louis fucked him that afternoon. He picked it to match the colour of his panties so it wouldn't be obvious through the lace. He kind of wishes it were a bit bigger, feels embarrassingly almost like it might slip out, but it's served its purpose, kept him prepped and ready and full, helped him keep Louis' come inside him. He can't wait to see how Louis reacts to it. His toes curl at the thought. His cock twitches where it's resting against his hip, trapped by the slightly scratchy lace. The head of it is already wet, smears precome over his skin.

He licks his lips when his hands come down to his hips and brush over the pink lace. He's seen Louis get hard from just looking at his mouth; he wonders if it's happening right now. The room gets significantly darker past the fuzzy edge of the circle of light cast on the bed by the reading lamp and Louis' entire body is hidden in shadows so he can't see for sure, but he can imagine the way his cock fills up, lengthening and fattening under the fabric. His mouth waters.

He watches Louis as he runs his hands up his belly and to his chest. His nipples have already hardened and he flicks his thumbs over the sensitive peaks a few times. The stutter in his breathing is unusually loud in the unnatural quiet of the room. He thinks he sees Louis' eyes zero in on his chest when he presses two fingers down on either side and rubs his nipples in tight circles. He lets his head sink into the soft pillow underneath; a few breathy moans escape him when he pinches his nipples between his fingers and he rolls his hips, grinding down into the bed. From this position he can only vaguely make out where Louis is sitting, sees the lines of his body through the blur of his eyelashes, but he knows Louis is watching even if he's not reacting. He can feel a flush spreading down his neck and to his chest. He hopes it matches the shade of his panties; he wants to make a pretty picture for Louis.

He twists his nipples so pain shoots down his spine and settles pleasantly in the pit of his belly. His cock pulses, leaking heavily over his hip. He lifts his hips up, tightens around the plug in his arse when the roll of his hips makes the lace drag over his sensitised cock. He falls back down onto the bed, grunting at how the plug nudges deeper inside him. His eyes flutter closed when he runs his thumbs over his nipples, not even sure himself if he's trying to soothe the pain or prolong it. He lifts his head up a little so he can look at Louis again; a thrill of pleasure runs down his spine when their eyes meet. Louis hasn't moved from his position in the armchair, still looks just as regal and composed. He raises one eyebrow.

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