something 'bout your love and affection

492 6 0

By yaint

As Harry knelt, ass high in the air, she pondered once again how she'd gotten herself into this situation. She felt both a deep-seeded disappointment and a tingling anticipation that only served to leave her wetter between her legs.

Louis had gone to the hallway closet to fetch some painful impact device, Harry assumed. She prayed that it wasn't the cane, and hoped it would be something as easy as wearing a buttplug for the night, but knew that that was unlikely. Not when she enjoyed the buttplugs, and Louis was quite aware of that fact. The uncomfortable stretch and pressure was incredibly pleasure inducing, and there'd only been a few instances of a plug-related punishment before Louis had found that out.

She'd been told to keep her head down, so she couldn't peek when Louis entered the room again. She jumped when Louis' cold fingers pressed against her hole, and she hoped that she'd been wrong about it not being a buttplug.

Louis put pressure against her puckered hole, making Harry gasp and her muscles tighten. A middle finger slid down, past her perineum and between her lips, moving around in the moistness there. Harry moaned at the teasing of her clit, the pinching and prodding combined with the slight pressure to her backside.

In one motion, both fingers where gone, and Harry moaned at the loss. Her breath hitched with the hard slap to her ass and Louis' noise of disapproval. "Don't whine, pet. Be grateful for what I give you."

"Yes, daddy," Harry said, slack-jawed, her eyes gone glassy with arousal. "I'm sorry."

"You should be sorry," Louis said, rubbing the spot she'd just slapped. "I'm disappointed in you, Harry."

"I know," Harry spoke lowly, her cheeks tinting in shame. "I'm really sorry."

"Are you? This is the third time you've skipped class and lied to me about it. I don't think my lessons have made an impact."

"They have!" Harry insisted, her lips pursing in a pout. "I was just tired, daddy."

"I told you not to stay up late last night, and you didn't listen. And when I left this morning you ensured me you were about to get up. Then when I texted you, you lied and told me you were heading to class. How do you explain that, Harry?"

Harry pressed her head to the duvet, groaning, and Louis smacked her thigh, turning it pink instantly. "I don't know!" Harry squeaked pathetically. "I'm sorry! I don't know why I did it, daddy."

"Your disobedience leads me to believe that you need stricter rules and punishments, Harry," Louis mused, tapping Harry's ass lightly with a cane. Harry groaned, tears stinging her eyes already, and clenched the duvet tight between her fingers. "Do I have to tuck you into bed each night? Can you not be trusted when I say you can watch a half hour of TV before bed?"

"Daddy, I can! I'm sorry, it was a mistake," she whined, feeling very much like a scolded child.

"A mistake that has happened three times now, Harry. I don't believe you're truly sorry, or you wouldn't have done it. You know I don't mind paying your tuition, but what's the point if you don't attend? And I won't tolerate any more lying, Harry."

Harry cried out when the cane struck her bare ass. Her ass burned and she struggled to stay in position. "Louis, please stop! I hate it, please."

"Nine more," Louis said coldly, landing a strike that caused a reverberating cracking noise, followed by Harry's loud cry. Louis closed her eyes, swimming in the rapturous feeling that originated between her legs; the erotic power that came from disciplining her sub brought her more ecstasy than she would've ever thought possible before meeting Harry.

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