Always My Good Boy

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By ItIsWhatItIs9194

The pre-show music blasted inside the O2 Arena, contributing to the excited energy felt throughout the venue. The lads were at the Brit Awards, their very first awards show. Their security guard, Paul, was leading them where they needed to go as they followed him down seemingly endless hallways backstage.

Always the cuddly one, Harry had his cheek tucked into Louis' neck, nuzzling into him, as the Dom held his hand tightly.

"Gonna be my good boy tonight, hmm?" Louis murmured into the sub's ear as they walked. "Gonna make me proud with how well you behave during the event and sing on stage, baby?"

With a faint blush, Harry nodded shyly, looking up at Louis' eyes. "Yes, Lou," he said quietly, giggling as the Dom ruffled his curls.

"Always such a good lad for me," Louis praised, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek. "It's why I haven't even had to punish you yet. My good boy."

Having overheard the Dom and sub's conversation, Niall snickered. "Aww, Hazzy hasn't gotten a spanking yet?" he teased good naturedly, reaching over to pinch the sub's cheek in a playful manner.

"Stopppp," Harry whined, lightly smacking the blond Dom's hand away. "'S embarrassing."

"Aww, Haz," Niall laughed. "It's not embarrassing. It's a good thing, yeah?" He grinned encouragingly. "You should be proud you're always so well behaved."

Too shy to comment on the fact that he'd managed to avoid being punished so far, Harry simply shrugged and nuzzled even further into Louis. The Dom smiled fondly and wrapped his right arm around the slightly smaller lad, squeezing him tightly as he placed a kiss atop his head full of curls.

The couple had been together for over a year now, but Harry hadn't been Louis' submissive for quite that long. Harry had been born a sub, indicated by the black dot on his collarbone, and Louis had been born a Dom, indicated by the black square on his wrist. Although everyone in the world was born either a Dom or a sub and BDSM relationships were the norm, the two of them didn't immediately delve into a Dom/sub dynamic together. For nearly the first two months of their relationship, they kept things innocent, content to just be boyfriends and nothing more. But after a while, Harry began wanting to experiment more, so the two of them started incorporating some Dom/sub dynamics into their life.

Harry was super proud of the fact that he hadn't been punished just yet. Louis wasn't a pushover by any means, but since Harry was still so young, he gave him more leeway than he would if the lad were older.

But despite the fact that Harry had a clean record so far, he knew receiving a punishment was inevitable. It would be impossible to avoid making any mistakes worth punishing. But he definitely didn't expect it to happen any time soon—let alone that evening.

"Alright, lads, hand me your stuff and I'll store it for you while you do your thing," Paul told the boys, holding his hands out for their bags. Zayn, Liam, and Niall all handed the older man their things while Louis grabbed Harry's backpack and his own bag and handed them over to the man.

Paul thanked them all and put their bags in a storage area specifically marked off for them, where they could pick their items up after the award show.

"Thanks, Paul." Harry said, always appreciative of the effort the security guard put in to helping them out.

Clapping Harry on the back, Paul smiled and squeezed the sub's shoulder. "Don't mention it, laddie. You lot have fun out there. Good luck, lads."

With that, Louis led Harry to their designated seats with the rest of the lads, his hand on the small of his back. Harry could feel everyone's eyes on them as they walked, all the other celebrities and fans in the crowd eager to snag a glance at one of the most famous couples.

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