The raffle

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By darkly


He feels terrible even thinking about it at first, but the truth is that it's a win-win situation. Harry needs to be mated and Louis needs to pay the bills. And the alphas out there, they need an omega, maybe even enough to pay handsomely for it.

Harry presents as an omega at fourteen when his first heat hits. Louis raffles him off to one lucky alpha.

When Louis goes into Harry's room to wake him up for school, it's a totally normal Thursday morning. It's like any other morning until he opens Harry's door and sees his son naked on his bed, hands and knees, arse in the air. He stops quickly, shocked, staring at his boy's arse where it's shiny and wet with slick. He barely notices the pained whimpering, too stunned to try to process anything other than: Harry is an omega.

Omegas are rare enough that no one even considers the possibility that their kid might be one. Louis has watched his son grow for fourteen years and, for every second of those years, he's been sure that Harry is a beta; he doesn't have a single alpha instinct in him and omegas just don't happen. So, Louis has always assumed he's a beta, he must be.

Louis thanks fuck that he's a beta himself as he stares at his son's body, his back arching and his small dick heavy between his legs, the picture of desperation. Even now Louis' own dick is perking up as he looks at the slick trailing down Harry's arse, over his balls and down his thighs; he'd probably already have mounted his own kid if he was an alpha. It's taking a lot of effort not to step into the room and touch him where he's wet, just to see what it feels like. He's heard stories about omegas and he can't help but be curious.

"Dad?" Harry asks, his little thighs trembling under him. "Dad, it hurts."

Louis does the only thing he can think to do; he runs to his room and finds the only dildo he owns. He feels more than a bit awkward bringing it into his son's room, both because he doesn't want Harry to know that he owns such a thing and because the thought of Harry using a dildo that Louis has used many times is too much for him to handle. But he needs it now, so Louis drops it on the bed, and then takes a few steps back, wiping his hands over his face.

"Use that for now," he chokes out, mind going a mile a minute. Harry is an omega. "I'll – I'll figure this out, I'll call the doctor and – we'll get you sorted, okay, sweetheart? Just use the toy for now and I'll figure out the rest."

Harry whines but he shakily picks up the toy, doesn't even wait until Louis' gone before reaching behind himself, pushing the thick plastic into his wet hole. Louis has to stop and gape for a moment, watching it slide in so easily, without any prep at all. Like his body was made for it, he thinks, mind-blown.

He turns and leaves before he can find himself staying to watch Harry fuck himself on his own dildo. He's got enough shit to worry about; he doesn't need to add that to the list.

He calls Dr. Martin, unsurprised when the man doesn't believe it when Louis tells him that Harry's presented as an omega. "He was probably fingering himself and it was lube you saw," he says. "I haven't heard of an omega in this town since I was a kid."

Louis asks if he'd be willing to do a house call. Dr. Martin accepts immediately, his excited tone betraying his earlier denials.


When the doctor arrives, two things immediately become apparent. First, Harry is indeed an omega. Second, he probably should not have asked an alpha doctor to come check on him.

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