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By theprieststhinksit'sthedevil on AO3


Louis squinted at his laptop screen. "Which sounds better: 'blowjob party' or 'orgy'?

Louis squinted at his laptop screen. "Which sounds better: 'blowjob party' or 'orgy'?"

"They both sound weird," Zayn replied, wrestling Louis' remote out of his couch. He sat up straighter and started channel surfing, leaning on Louis' shoulder and looking at his screen. "Why are you even making invitations? We've all already said yes."

Louis looked at the template he'd been working off of as he debated between curly cursive fonts. "Should I pick one that looks like my chest piece?"

Zayn huffed out a sigh and settled on some superhero movie they'd seen a hundred times. He leaned harder on Louis, cuddling against his shoulder. Louis wasn't as soft and comfortable as he was supposed to be when Zayn was trying to cuddle with him so Zayn butted at Louis' bicep with his head.

"Oi," Louis yelped, tugging at a handful of Zayn's hair when he pushed his way into laying his head in Louis' lap, effectively blocking him from his keyboard. " Some of us are trying to get important work done here."

"No one's stopping you," Zayn said, huffing out a little sigh and getting cozy in Louis' lap. Louis saved his work and moved his laptop to the floor in front of the sofa, then sat back to pet Zayn's hair while he watched Captain America sock ol' Adolf in the jaw. "For real though," Zayn yawned, lifting his face from the soft worn material of Louis' joggers. "Why are you making this into a big thing?"

Louis rolled his eyes. "'m not," he insisted. Zayn turned to look past Louis' legs to where the laptop was sitting on the floor. "Right," he hedged haughtily. "Maybe I'm a bit excited to surprise Haz with this. He's my boy; I think I'm allowed to get excited about doing something like this for him."

Zayn hummed and listened to Louis talk. Louis was playing at being affronted at the moment, but the softness that always bled into his voice and onto his face when he talked about Harry was there now. All of them loved Louis and Harry's love and listening to one of his best friends talk about one of his other best friends with so much fondness and plain adoration was one of Zayn's favourite hobbies. Zayn never bored of it, even when Louis joked that Zayn had his full permission to smother him to death with a pillow if he got too unbearable. Zayn had attempted to make good on that for when Louis was being a pest in other ways, but he would never, ever punish him for being so hopelessly in love with Harry.

"Tell me how he asked for this again," Zayn suggested. "Still trying to wrap my head around it. Don't get how you're willing to share him like this when normally you're at our throats like a rabid dog if one of us so much as touches 'im."

"It was really hot," Louis began, which was the preface to the good majority of Louis' Harry-related stories. "I was talking him off while he blew me – some shit about how his mouth was made to suck cock, nasty shit, right? 'Cause he just loves sucking cock and he loves it even more when I tell him about it."

"So you've told me," Zayn said, nodding. He sat up and switched to leaning on Louis' shoulder instead. Having his head in Louis' lap didn't seem like the wisest thing to do given the conversation topic at that moment.

"And he pulls off and starts begging me to come on his face so I do and then while he's all gathered up in my lap and I'm wanking him off he starts all at once, babbling about how he wants to suck a bunch of dicks at once – mine and yours and Niall's and Liam's – and that I should organize it, but not tell him when it was happening," Louis paused to let it sink in, as if he hadn't already told Zayn this story. He not-so-subtly shifted the crotch of his joggers. "I waited a few weeks so he won't be expecting it, but it's been featured in some pretty spectacular dirty talk lately so I doubt he's forgotten about it exactly."

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