If you like, you can touch it, baby

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Zayn seems to have a little trouble balancing the six pack of beer he's bought to thank Liam for having him while still keeping a firm hand around Harry's lead as he knocks on Liam's door, but Harry catches himself watching and lowers his eyes to the floor again, just stopping himself from doing the automatic nervous foot-shuffle Zayn's almost got him trained out of. Zayn shifts the beer back to his free hand when he's done knocking, bringing the hand holding the end of Harry's lead up to pet at Harry's hair, right between his two cat-ears. "Good boy," he murmurs without looking at Harry. "Be a good boy; show Liam, yeah?"

Harry hums in response and gets a quick, bright-eyed smile from Zayn in praise before the door opens and Liam pulls Zayn into a hug.

"You're late," Liam tells Zayn, pulling him into the hallway and taking the beer off him with a grinning "you shouldn't have" and a pat to the back. Harry gets pulled with Zayn and he goes pliantly, finds himself fiddling with the waistband of the boxers Zayn had put him in before they'd left home absentmindedly, already feeling restless with the need to get home and get them off him. They constrict his tail and he hates them, but Zayn had told him to wear them and he won't complain.

Liam leads Zayn through to the living room and tells him to take a seat, passes him a beer, takes one for himself and sets it on the coffee table ready, before walking away to the kitchen. "Will your pet need anything?" he calls back, and immediately follows that with, "I just put us some pizzas in, they should be ready. Get the game on, yeah?"

"Bowl of water'd be good, if you don't mind," Zayn calls back to him, taking a swig of his beer as he sits down. He pulls Harry to him with a firm pull on his lead, pulls him down to kneel between his knees with another tug, and unhooks the lead from Harry's collar. He settles two fingers under Harry's collar for a moment, tugging just a little. Harry lets himself be tugged where Zayn wants him, going pliantly, and purrs under his fingers so Zayn can feel it with his fingers at Harry's throat. Zayn gives him another of his pleased, bright smiles, moves his fingers to grip at the back of Harry's collar and tips his head back. "Want some, love?" he asks Harry, soft as the pads of his fingers. He taps Harry's lips with the rim of the beer bottle and Harry lets his lips fall open. Zayn gives him a sip, letting Harry catch the beer on his tongue, before letting his grip on Harry's collar go and leaning back into the sofa. "Pass me the remote, Haz, that's a good boy."

Harry does, and settles back between Zayn's knees while Zayn finds the channel he's looking for, watching for what else Zayn might want. Liam comes back in, giving Harry a bit more of a lingering glance than he'd meant to, it seems, if his blush is anything to go on. He puts a bowl on the floor and then nudges it a little towards Harry with his shoe. Harry gives him a big grin and a purr, and Zayn pets his ears in praise.

Harry loses a little bit of time while he tries to stay still, doesn't want Zayn to go away or stop, but can't quite stop himself from making little whining purrs or shivering against Zayn's fingers. His eyes drop closed, he struggles to breathe normally, and the next thing he knows there's the smell of pizza from the three on the coffee table and Liam has sat down next to Zayn, beer in hand.

They're chatting about football and it means very little to Harry, but Zayn breaks off when he sees that Harry's come back to himself to tell him, "turn around and sit, love, against the chair. I'll feed you some pizza, and you can move to take a drink from the bowl whenever, yeah?" Harry nods, hums, and settles between Zayn's legs. After a little more football chat, Zayn leans up over Harry's head to get a slice of pizza, passing one to Liam before settling back with his own. Harry waits, settling back on his arse and enjoying the ache there from where Zayn had fucked him before they came out. He'd come in Harry's mouth, hadn't wanted Harry filthy when coming to Liam's, he'd said, but that just means Harry has the best of both worlds: a fucked out arse and the taste of Zayn's come in his mouth.

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