Creature of Desire

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By vondrostes

"Please forgive me, Sister, for I have sinned."

It was a sin she'd committed over and over again, a sin that had accompanied a bounteous gift that Harry had openly thanked God for being given. Her confession had only come after being caught.

Tahliah stared down at Harry with a stern and unforgiving expression, and with the veil pulling at her hairline, it made her look even more severe. "Using fingers to penetrate yourself is a sin," she told Harry. "And you must repent for your sins."

"I know, Sister," Harry replied obediently, her hands clasped in front of her as though in prayer already. Her knees hurt from kneeling against the unyielding hardwood floor, but she didn't dare move without her Sister's permission.

"A decade of the rosary," Tahliah decided. "In penance."

Harry immediately opened her mouth to begin. "Hail Mary—"

"Not yet," Tahliah interrupted in a sharp tone.

Harry's teeth clacked together loudly. Her thighs trembled from the exertion of holding herself upright, but she would not complain.

"On your back," Tahliah instructed. "Knees up. Keep your hands clasped in prayer." Tahliah unwound the rosary from Harry's fingers as the younger girl clumsily got into the prescribed position, her plain black dress falling to the tops of her thighs, leaving her vulnerable and exposed when Tahliah nudged her upraised knees apart even further before sliding between them.

Harry couldn't see what Tahliah was doing, but she could feel everything. She was still wet from earlier, when Tahliah had caught her with two fingers stuffed inside her pussy, grinding uselessly against the sheets, so close to orgasm when the door had flown open to reveal her Sister standing there, their faces inverted masks of shock and shame.

Her wetness eased the way for Tahliah's fingers now, the beads on her rosary rubbing against her, inside her, as Tahliah pressed two fingers all the way inside while she used her other hand to slide the rest of the rosary against Harry's clit.

Harry let out a soft gasp as the beads slid in and out of her, slowly, with Tahliah keeping the strands close on either side of her clit so that there was no escape from the stimulation.

"Now you can begin," Tahliah told her as she kept up the rhythm of her fingers.

Harry's voice was audibly strained as she started again. "Hail Mary, full of grace," she choked out. "The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." She paused for a moment, breathing heavily, but Tahliah's sharp gaze compelled her to continue. "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners—ah!—now and at the hour of our death. Amen."

"And again," Tahliah urged. "Nine more to go."

Harry could barely get the words out by the time she reached seven, and at the end of nine, her legs were shaking from the exertion of trying to keep herself from coming as Tahliah continued to run the beads of the rosary over her clit and in and out of her pussy. It wasn't a sin when her Sister penetrated her. It was holy.

"Last one," Tahliah encouraged.

Harry started again, her hands clenched into fists. "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee." She paused again and swallowed hard, her breathing laboured as she fought against the tension coiling tight in her belly. It didn't help that she was so wet that she could hear the sound of the rosary moving inside her. "Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen." The ending was rushed as Harry stumbled over her words. Her clit ached as Tahliah slowly withdrew her fingers and the rosary both, and Harry could have almost cried when Tahliah stood up and stared down at her with the same cold expression.

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