Heavy Metal

669 3 0

By sulkingroom


Harry has a clitoral hood piercing and asks Xander to eat her out. That's literally it.

"You're going to burn," Xander murmurs into Harry's sun-warmed ribs. It's day something of their isolation together. Eighteen, he thinks. Possibly twenty. Xander can't say for certain when their self-imposed isolation following weeks apart morphed into mandated isolation for their safety, the days bleeding into one another like wet paint.

They've been sunbathing on Harry's terrace all morning, drinking from the same glass of fresh orange juice and holding each other despite the heat, Xander abandoning Harry every so often to answer work emails as their notifications ping through the unfamiliar quiet.

Harry's skin prickles with goosebumps and she jolts up as if from sleep, slipping her sunglasses up from her face and into the tangle of her hair, bunched in a sloppy bun at her crown. She peers down at where Xander's playing with the silver charm resting against the small swell of her stomach, trailing down from where she's pierced, just above her belly button. It sparkles white in the sun, the silver hot to the touch.

Her skin smells of citrus and salt, and when Xander dips his finger into her belly button she giggles. There isn't room for the two of them on the small sun lounger, and where their limbs tangle together they're sticky with sweat. Harry stretches her arms above her head, groaning through the fizzing in her sluggish muscles.

"We should probably go inside soon," she muses, carding her fingers from Xander's forehead back through to where his curls are longest, almost unruly now and the perfect length to tug.

"Are you hungry?"

"I could eat," she says through a yawn.

Xander hums in agreement before ducking down and taking her belly button charm between his lips and sucking. He pulls it taught, the delicate chain pulling the skin of her belly button. The silver clinks against his teeth as he sucks. He lets it fall from his mouth and the spit-wet pendant marks Harry's tanned skin.


Xander shuffles up the sun lounger, carefully holding himself above her. His body blocks out the sun and in his shadow she's flushed and open.

"Do you want me to make you something?" He asks, ducking down to kiss the sheen of sweat on her forehead.

She takes a moment to ponder his question before responding wordlessly, straining her neck up off the lounger and searching with her mouth until she meets his. She whimpers softly as she pulls his bottom lip between her teeth, dragging her tongue lazily over his as she works her way into his mouth, the remnants of orange juice she finds there tart and delicious.

When Xander sucks on her tongue, her legs slide open, falling from the sun lounger. The sound of her bare feet on the stone tiles rouses Xander from where he's lost in their kiss and he readjusts himself between her open legs. The second he's within easy reach, she bucks her hips up greedily into his crotch, gasping into his mouth when she presses her clit against the firm line of his dick, already hard for her.

She breaks away from his mouth, breathless.

"I want you to eat my pussy."

"Out here on the terrace?"

"Out here on the terrace, right fucking now."

He pulls away until he's sitting back on his knees, careful not to upend the lounger and send them both flying into Harry's potted plants.

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