Artfully Nude

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By icedteathief

"Art class? Really Niall?" Louis said with a furrowed brow, analyzing the place before he even walked in. He was promised cute guys and drinks, not paint and pottery.

"Oh c'mon Lou, it'll be fun! You need a new hobby anyways, and you're the only person I could get into attending with me." Niall said, opening the doors and walking into the small studio.

It was styled like a loft. Paint buckets organized neatly on walls, art pieces hung up as well as light bulbs that hung low. It gave a warm welcome vibe, but Louis still wasn't up for it.
There was a lot of people in the class, all separated and sitting with their own groups while they watched a boy set up some things in the front of the room.
He had short curly hair, with green eyes that seemed to smile at Louis when he looked at him. Louis looked back with harsh eyes, the younger boy intimidated, he looked away.

"C'mon Lou. Grab us some seats and I'll get the supplies." Niall said, pointing towards two empty chairs near the front of the room. Louis let out a harsh sigh, and walked over to the table. He sat down and played with his thumbs, avoiding the stares of the younger boy who now appeared to be the instructor.

"Okay everyone!" The boy said, a beaming smile and loud voice that echoed a bit in the small room. He was wearing light-wash overalls with a beige coloured shirt underneath, and some white converse. Meanwhile, Louis was dressed in nothing but a basic black jumper and black ripped skinnies. "My name is Harry, I'm your instructor for today, and I thought that since it's a Saturday, we might do a more simple painting." Harry said, looking over at Louis, who was still giving Harry a glare.

"What's up with this guy? Too peppy, no one should be that happy over anything." Louis scoffed, looking back at Niall that was handing him things.

"Oh hush, he seems pretty cute actually."

"You promised me hot guys, not a little kid."

"I thought you liked twinks?" Niall questioned, and Louis groaned and turned around to face Harry again.

"That's what I thought." Niall whispered, pulling back and returning his gaze to Harry as well.

"First, we're going to begin with a base colour. You can pick whichever colour you'd like, I'm going in with a dark blue to compliment the night sky. Remember, today we're drawing the Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights." Harry said, dipping his brush into a small can and gently moving it along his canvas. Louis watched his motions, and dipped into a dark purple and tried his best to mimic what Harry was doing.

"Pfft, this is easy Niall. Don't know why you said this wouldn't be." Louis leaned into Niall's ear and whispered. This painting thing was pretty easy, and seemed actually quite relaxing to Louis.

"Okay, once we've put on the base coat and that's settled, you can being choosing the colours for the lights in the sky. I'm going to pick a light pink and light green because I think those would be cute." Harry said, emitting a giggle from some girls. But when Harry went to dip into another small can, he dropped his brush. Louis bent down and picked up the brush that had rolled over to him, and handed it to Harry. His hand brushed against Harry's, and Harry's cheeks began to burn red.

Some of the girls giggled over how flushed Harry was, and he stuttered out a soft thank you to Louis. He nodded and sat back down.
Louis thought it was kind of hot, seeing Harry's pink cheeks and red lips. He thought of how it must look if Harry had flushed cheeks for Louis when he was on his knees.

"Lou, pay attention!" Niall said, nudging Louis as he quickly picked up his brush and tried to catch up to everyone.

The boy was very talented, hands moving quickly and curls falling into his eyes. Girls giggled and cooed at Harry, smiling at him and calling out things to get his attention. He did a good job of ignoring it.

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