Watching You Fall Apart

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The light from the moon drifted into the room through a crack in the drapes illuminating the room; Harry sat up in the bed and looked around the room. He had told Louis that he wanted to take a nap, it was now 8 but Louis was nowhere to be seen.

Harry went to get up and in the process knocked a present off the end of the bed. He bent down grabbed the surprisingly light box and set it in his lap. The box was nothing special, just a plain blue box with a simple white ribbon wrapped around it with a white card attached to the ribbon.

He grabbed the white card and flipped it over:

For my love
Happy Valentine's Day
From your love, Louis

Harry removed the ribbon carefully from the box and opened the box. Inside were sparkly white tissue paper and a pair of nipple clamps. Harry has always had a pain kink, but Louis had never taken advantage of it....until now. They had always talked about trying nipple clamps because they heard that the pain and pleasure from them were unbelievable. Harry had forgotten about the idea, Louis hadn't evidently.

He felt his nipples perk as the thought of them being attached to the clamps and being yanked on until Harry would feel like begging for them to be gone. Harry was getting insanely hard just thinking about what this could do for him.

"Hey love, I see you got my gift." Louis said as he opened the door and held a tray in his hands. On the tray were chocolate covered strawberries, bananas, and marshmallows and a bottle of champagne.

"Yeah, thank you so much for getting them. But I thought we weren't going to exchange gifts this year." Harry said as he got out of the bed and grabbed the tray from Louis and sat back on the bed with the tray on his lap.

"Well I lied and technically this is a very selfish gift because while you get to wear them I get to control what happens with them." Louis said as he leaned forward and started to press hot breath-filled kisses to Harry's neck.

"While I'm not saying I don't want to play right now, but the boys are coming over in a few minutes and I'm sure they don't want to see us fucking." Harry said as he tried to remove himself from Louis' addictive mouth.

"That's what you think." Louis murmured while detaching himself from Harry, getting off the bed and walking to the closet.

"What was that?" Harry asked as he grabbed one of the bananas and began to eat it.

"I was talking with the boys one night after we had played and they all brought up how they would love to see how our dynamics worked and what you looked like when you gave up control to me." Louis said as he changed out of his workout gear and into some sweatpants and a random shirt he was sure was Harry's at one point.

"Why is this the first time I'm hearing of this?" Harry asked as he set the tray on the bed and stood up and walked to where Louis was.

"I didn't think you would like for the boys to watch us, I know how jealous you get when we're just in a club so I thought you wouldn't want to do that." Louis said as he turned back to Harry.

Harry didn't respond as he walked to his side of the closet and got into some clothes since he shouldn't be wearing only boxers when hanging with the guys.

He never told Louis but he always imagined what it would be like to have someone watch their moment, or possibly even helping Louis. He always got a little harder when they fucked in the tour bus in one of the bunks with the idea that one of the boys could easily find them. He never told Louis because he was worried how Louis would react.

"You don't want to do that, right?" Louis asked as he put a hand on Harry's arm.

Harry didn't know what to say. He could tell the truth and face Louis' judging face or say nothing and suffer with this fantasy in silence. Either way he was going to be hurt.

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