With just an inch of pain for the feeling that I get when you are gone

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By foryoureyesonly777

Louis didn't know how Harry had first found out he was an exhibitionist. He guessed he should've seen it coming, knowing about the boy's love for getting naked every time he could, no matter who else was in the room, with the excuse that it made him feel "free" and "liberated".

Of course, when they were just kids in the X-Factor house, things like this didn't mean anything. They just thought Harry was a funny guy who didn't like clothes that much, the only one who was classified then was Louis, who was already 18, and a Dom. The four other guys were always asking him the same questions, how hard the test was, if he felt like his classification was completely accurate, if he wanted to find a sub now and all that jazz.

Luckily, shortly after him, one by one they received their classifications. It turned out One Direction was a band of Doms, until it was Harry's turn to be classified.

To be honest, it didn't shock any of them that Harry was a sub. The youngest member of the band always gave them that vibe, soft-spoken, always worrying about your opinion on something before doing it and constantly seeking approval from his friends.

It also didn't shock anyone when Harry and Louis had started formally dating as Dom and sub. Ever since they first met, the pair had something more than a friendship going on, but Harry's classification was the only piece missing for them to be matched, and now they had it.

Once they started being Dom and sub, it wasn't long until one night when they were about to fall asleep, the green-eyed boy whispered in his Dom's ear all about his secret kinks.

Louis would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised at first. For some reason, he always thought the sweet and kind younger boy he was so in love with, was soft and tame in the bedroom, just like he was in his everyday life.

Man, was he wrong.

Louis was very kinky himself, always had been, but in his solemn need to ensure Harry was comfortable at all times and felt truly safe, he had chosen not to reveal that side of himself to the inexperienced boy when they started getting more physical. At least not yet. Harry had had no sexual experience before Louis, so they chose to take it slow, easing into everything. Louis worried that if he talked to him about kinks then Harry might do something just because he felt like he had to do it, ever the pleasing submissive he was, but with no actual wish of his own to do it. That was the last thing Louis wanted, and as the good Dom he took pride in being, he made sure to frequently repeat and make very clear to Harry how important consent and honesty with his colours was.

So, after they had gotten comfortable with each other and practically had sex every day of the week, Harry had made some interesting revelations, not even needing Louis to coax him into saying anything, just doing it becuse he wanted to and had made the decision to share those thoughts with his Dom.

Only then, Louis let his own previously concealed part of himself surface. They quickly discovered they had lots of fantasies in common, many unexpected ones, ones that they didn't even think the other would be on board, but they were. They had talked for hours about specifications, to what extent they thought they liked certain kinks and whether they wanted to try them out soon or just sometime in the future.

This all led them to this exact moment, weeks later.

Harry was sitting on Louis's lap, his back to his Dom's chest. They were on a couch in the lounging area of the tour bus. Liam, Niall and Zayn were all sitting nearby, talking casually as if they couldn't see Harry squirming in his place, his eyes dazed.

Harry couldn't even focus on the words being said, feeling the vibrations of the plug Louis inserted in him some hours ago. His cock was straining against the harsh fabric of his jeans, bulge noticeable to every occupant in the room. When Louis casually moved one of his legs, "accidentally" shifting his plug in the process, Harry couldn't help but let out a loud moan. He could feel Louis shushing him affectionately seconds later, knowing he had a hard time keeping quiet. He then heard a chuckle from his right.

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