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By Othersideofdark

"You sure you're okay with trying this?"

"Yeah, of course, you know I love trying new things you learn about."

Louis was a little stunned at the answer though, somehow always thinking that one day Harry would say no. Finally some crazy idea that Louis had either read about, or come up with would make Harry put on the brakes and Louis would then be alone. With a really hard cock, and too many fantasies to top it off. But, Harry still wasn't saying no, so Louis just kept going.

"Okay," Louis said then, crunching down on his toast, trying to not even think about what "milking" Harry would be like. Thinking of denying Harry for so long, having him tied up and bent over, Harry's come dripping out of him, solely from Louis' fingers. Louis felt half hard from just thinking of it. He couldn't handle himself at all.

"When do you want to do it?" Harry asked, banana smeared across his chin, eyes hazy as he looked at Louis, all long curls and green eyes and long eyelashes. Louis has such a pretty boyfriend.

"How about you digest a bit first, I'd rather you not throw up all over the bedroom," Louis said, remembering back to the only time Harry had ever screamed out "Red," while Louis was up his bum, because Harry had eaten too close to play time. The pressure of orgasm on his stomach caused him to throw up onto the bed as Louis scrambled out of him, shakily unlocking the cuffs that Harry had been attached to around the headboard. It was frantic, and Louis never wanted to relive the experience.

"Mmmm, okay," Harry said as he finished his banana, stretching his arms up above his head. "I wanna cuddle."

Louis hummed at the suggestion, smiling at Harry from across the table. "We can do that."

Louis jammed the rest of his toast into his mouth as Harry got up from the table, taking Louis plate and his banana peel to the kitchen, only dressed in a pair of black underpants, the rest of him on display. Louis chewed and watched Harry's lean back muscles, moving ever so perfectly across the house.

The next two hours were spent cuddled under a blanket on the couch, some tv program forgotten as Louis and Harry just talked instead. Talked about anything. From the colour of the sky to which chocolate was the best, it was a never ending conversation. Louis loved listening to Harry talk, and vice versa. It was the great thing about their relationship, it was totally open and could be anything. Eventually it turned to Louis laying on top of Harry, the sound of wet lips making contact floating above the tv noise. Harry moaned and shifted his hips as Louis pried his mouth open more and more, Louis' hand's starting to roam.

"Mmm, nope," Louis said as he pulled up, the feeling of Harry getting thicker pressing onto his thigh. Harry squirmed as Louis became dominant above him, Louis face etched with that perfect smirk that always came out when Harry was going to be denied. It did things to Harry that he didn't want to admit, making him so ready for whatever Louis had in store.

"Do it," was all that Harry could say as Louis sat up on his lap, the blanket falling down to the floor.

"Do what baby?" Louis asked innocently, winding Harry up.

"Milk me."

Harry's eyes dilated at the thought, Louis just sat and watched Harry struggle under him, a moan escaping from Harry's lips. Harry could be such a head case sometimes. If Louis played it right, he could get Harry to cum just with words alone. Harry was that type of person.

"Someone's desperate, so ready for instruction I bet," Louis said, the words dripping out of his mouth.

"Please," Harry responded with. Louis smiled at Harry as he thought up his instructions.

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