Oh Baby, It's You

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By leedsbracelet

The day Louis asks Harry what he wants for Christmas is the day Harry lets the word accidentally slip out. Accidentally, as in he definitely plans for the word to come out.

"Alright, babe. Time to tell me what you want this year," Louis says plopping himself on the couch next to Harry wearing nothing but an oversized sweater. Which Harry, is almost certain, is his, "And don't give me that 'but I already have the best gift of all, it's you' bullshit, tell me what you really want,"

Louis knows what Harry wants. He hasn't stopped talking about babies since Lou came in with her new child. His face lights up when he sees a mother with her child on the streets; He's been watching TLC specials non-stop.

Harry wants a baby, and Louis knows Harry well enough to know that when Harry wants something, he will get it.

Harry laughs though, nudging Louis a little on the side, "Okay, I've actually got a list," Harry says before pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket.

Harry dramatically clears his throat before starting the list, "This Christmas I want fuzzy socks, a baby, cute jumpers, a baby, blowjob coupons, a baby, a cook book, a baby, and lastly, I want a baby," Harry finishes the list, looking up at Louis.

"Lou, I want a baby."

Louis doesnt't even flinch. "I know," Louis says before raising an eyebrow at Harry, the corner of his mouth quirking up, "And?"

Harry blinks, staring back at him as he scratches his elbow before letting his arms flop down to his sides. "Um. Can we have a baby?"

Louis stands from their couch, his jumper -Harry's jumper- falling down past his knees, "You know for a fact that we're, actually no, you're not ready to have a baby, H"

Harry actually flinches at that, feeling somewhat hurt, "Please, Lou? I'm more than ready to have a baby with you," Harry stands up grabbing Louis' hand to place it on his tummy. Louis' cheeks flush with a shade of pink. For someone who's against having a baby right now, he seems to feel warmth when thinking about Harry with a baby bump. His face glowing with that 'I'm a mommy' shine.

When Louis snaps out of his daze, he's realized he's been rubbing Harry's tummy. And Harry's caught him red-handed.

"No, we're not ready," Louis says, dropping his hand from Harry's stomach.

Harry slouches, whining petulantly, "But, Lou-"

Louis rolls his eyes, wishing Harry would just shut up and listen, because really, who in the world thinks Harry (of all people) is ready to have a baby?

"See, babe, that's the thing. You can't just whine and pout for this. This is- this is big, huge even, and you don't seem to get that," Louis says walking towards the balcony of their flat.

Harry's slumping position snaps into attentiveness and hurt, "Pardon me, there is not one person out there that takes babies more serious than me."

Louis turns to face the tall figure mimicking his movements to the balcony and quirks up his eyebrow,

"Except everyone."

Harry pouts, wrapping his arms around the lad, hooking his chin on Louis' shoulder,

"Lou," he starts slowly, knowing how to take charge of the conversation before Louis decides to end it before it even starts, "Just imagine, babe," Harry grabs Louis' waist, turning him around to meet his eyes, kissing him softly on the forehead and placing his hands on his tummy once again, "Just imagine my belly full of me and you, a baby, our baby,"

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