While Mother's Away...

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Harry witnesses his hybrid gettin' it on with their neighbor's hybrid. Harry wants to try.

It probably shouldn't have turned Harry on as much as it did. He knew it wasn't normal, wasn't socially acceptable, but he still couldn't look away.

He had only taken his feline hybrid, Louis, out to wear some energy off after being cooped up alone in the house all day. His mom hated when she came home from work to a hyper cat getting under her feet while she tried to make dinner. And, coming up to mid-thigh when standing, Louis wasn't exactly the easily pushed away small kitten that he once had been.

They had been chasing each other around the yard as they normally did, Louis stalking and then pouncing and knocking him into the soft grass before taking off to start the whole thing again. They'd almost grown up together like that, messing around like brothers since Harry had unwrapped the box with the hybrid kitten in it on his sixth birthday. That was ten years ago already but still not much had changed.

Except for what was happening right in front of him. That was new and so was his reaction.

Harry had just sat up in the grass from being tackled when the neighbors hybrid, Princess, easily scaled the fence and started to run across the yard.

Louis was on her in a second, a wrestling match ensued, and Harry was immediately looking for a way to get them apart, for them to stop fighting. The garden hose was close and, if he could get it turned on, the water would surely break up the scuffle.

But then Harry froze.

Louis had crawled on top of Princess, pushing her shoulders down into the grass to keep her in place while his legs began to shuffle his hips forward. Louis had a few more human features than the other hybrid, Lou's fur tapering off to the bare skin of his belly and chest and again up his neck to leaves most of his face smooth. The cat beneath him was nearly all feline, long fluffy white hair covering most of her body but still leaving her an even match for Louis' size.

Louis tail was held stiff, his back arching up in a strange curve that Harry had never seen him in before. It wasn't until his hips started to give experimental thrusts that Harry realized what was happening.

His hybrid was just about to fuck his neighbors cat.

He was just about to reach for the hose when the moment of penetration happened, a sound and a visual that went straight to his own dick like a sudden jolt of electricity, unexpected and out of nowhere. Louis' hips gave a hard shove and the cat beneath him yowled, growling out as Louis' hips began to twitch and his grip on her became vice-like.

There was no excuse for Harry watching, absolutely none at all. But his dick was hard now and he couldn't force himself to look away from the way his hybrid was breeding Princess. He palmed himself as he watched, Princess' growls becoming louder as Louis thrust his hips to bury his cock deeper.

It was the hottest thing Harry had ever seen and he wondered if Louis had sneaked away to do this before or if this was his first time. It somehow made it more erotic to know that he was witnessing his hybrid lose his virginity. His own hybrid was getting more action than him and he tried not to think about how sad that was. 16 was probably too young to have fucked around a lot but he'd at least hoped to have had something other than his own hand by that point. Instead, he was jerking himself off in the middle of his yard while he watched animals getting it on.

Almost as quickly as it started, Louis released Princess and hopped off, the other hybrid scrambling off back over the fence into her yard. Louis ran over to Harry like nothing had happened, dick still visible as it partially poked out of its sheath.

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