Give You Something Good to Celebrate

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By trulymadlylarry


Liam lives with his two best friends, Louis and Harry, who happen to be boyfriends. On his twenty-third birthday, they give him the best gift ever.

Living with Louis and Harry has its perks. There's always an endless supply of bath salts and Adidas cologne. The laundry is incredibly soft and smells like lavender, thanks to Harry's insistent cleanliness. The shelves are fully stocked with chick flicks and romantic comedies. Plus, Louis makes fresh Yorkshire tea every morning.

But unfortunately, living with Louis and Harry also has its downsides.

Sometimes Liam accidentally barges into their room whilst they're having sex. Other times he can't sleep at night, kept awake with the sounds of pornstar moans and sexual screams. Sometimes he overhears their dirty conversations and notices the slight stiffness in Harry's legs when he walks after fucking.

And it's just— weird. It's not weird because they're gay, of course. Liam's openly bisexual and, coincidentally, he met Louis and Harry three years prior at their university's LGBT club. They've been best friends ever since. Three peas in a pod.

But Liam can't help but feel like a third wheel at times. When he agreed to move into a two bedroom apartment with Louis and Harry, he knew it might be awkward on occasion. He knew he would have to watch them kiss and makeout on a daily basis. But the thing is, he didn't expect their intimacy to be this intense and open.

Louis and Harry are completely shameless when it comes to public displays of affection. They're not afraid to snog on the couch or have sex with the door wide open. Liam thinks Harry might have a bit of an exhibitionism kink.

And if Liam sometimes jerks off to the sound of Harry screaming "Daddy," nobody has to know. Especially not Louis. Louis has the tendency to get jealous when someone even looks at Harry.

Currently, Liam's lounging in the living room with Louis, playing FIFA on their flat screen television. It's almost midnight and the outside world is dark and sunless. The crescent moon produces a soft white light, filtering through the nearby window. From their third story apartment, they have a nice view of the distant city skyline.

"Time out," Louis says abruptly, pausing their game. He takes a brief break and sips his beer. Their coffee table is covered in half-empty bottles and crushed soda cans. He gives Liam a soft smile. "Your birthday's tomorrow, mate."

Liam turns his head and rolls his eyes. "Please don't remind me."

Louis scoffs. "We should go out and celebrate!"

The brown-eyed boy shakes his head stubbornly. "No, Louis. We're all tight on money right now. I can barely afford my portion of this month's rent."

Louis frowns. "You're so lame."

"I'm not lame, bro. Just broke."

"Whatever," Louis huffs, rolling his eyes. Liam's his best friend, but he doesn't like to party and go to clubs as much as Louis does. He'd much rather sit at home and watch films or play videogames. "Will you at least let us cook you some celebratory birthday dinner?"

"As long as Harry's the one cooking, not you," Liam grumbles, idly scratching his bare chest. "I'd rather not get food poisoning on my twenty-third birthday."

He's only wearing a pair of loose joggers, leaving his torso exposed. Even in this slouched position, his abs are highly defined. He props his feet up on the ottoman and sighs quietly, setting the Xbox controller in his lap.

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