12 Days In Paradise

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By harrys_angel


Louis is determined to give harry the best Christmas present he can.

For Christmas, Louis treats harry to a trip away to Thailand for 12 days so they can enjoy their anniversary, though they seem to spend more time in bed (or sometimes not) than actually exploring the beautiful country.


Or, the AU where Harry and Louis are away for their anniversary and take advantage of the uninterrupted time to fuck each other shameless and indulge themselves in every kink they could possible want.

December 29th, was Harry and Louis' three-year anniversary. To commemorate the occasion, Louis had surprised Harry on Christmas day, with a trip away to Thailand, one of the places on his bucket list.

The two boys were spending Christmas with their fellow band mates, Niall and Liam, who were sprawled out on the sofa, atop of one another, legs tangled together as Liam played with Niall's hair, occasionally planting small kisses upon the boy's head.

The younger boy was ecstatic with this gift, and peppered Louis with kisses all over his face when he found out. The other couple laughed at Harry's excitement, but none the less enjoyed seeing their best friends so infatuated with each other; their love was like no other, it was something out of a fairy tale.

Their flight left Gatwick at 17:00 on December 26th meaning they would arrive in Thailand the following day, leaving time for the pair to sleep of their jetlag before their special day and the following eleven days they would spend in paradise.

"Lou... hurry up! We need to leave now in order to get there on time." The younger boy huffed. He couldn't contain his excitement about finally being able to explore the world, having never left the country.

"I'm coming baby, I'm just making sure we have everything we need." Louis replied lovingly, watching the lips of his boyfriend turn into a small pout at being told to wait a little longer.

After scanning his eyes over his packing list one more time, Louis was certain they would have everything they could possibly need, and turned around to pull the still pouting boy into a hug. Harry melted into his boyfriend's touch, as all the panic of being late evaporated, and he nestled his head into the crook of Louis' neck, enjoying the warmth of his boyfriend.

A small whine of discontentment escaped the younger boy's mouth as Louis pulled away, but this was soon replaced with delight when he realised that this finally meant they were ready to leave for the airport.

Twenty-five minutes later Louis had finally found a parking space, and the two boys hauled their bags out of the boot of the car, ensuring they had all valuables close to hand, yet in a safe space.

Louis glanced at Harry, only seeing anticipation etched onto his face. His eyes were gleaming with excitement, though Louis knew he was nervous inside. Harry had never been on a plane and struggled with claustrophobia, but louis was trying his best to hide his anxiety about the younger boy as best as he could.

The couple quickly made their way hand in hand through the airport towards the check in desk where they quickly handed over their luggage and passports and received their boarding passes, which Louis safely held onto as he knew the brunette was quite prone to misplacing things. Starbucks was their next stop as it was currently 15:00 and neither of the two had eaten since breakfast that morning.

Louis found a booth in the corner of the café while Harry went and ordered, knowing Louis' order off by heart. As he made his way back over to his boyfriend with one medium hot chocolate for himself, a black coffee for Louis and a gingerbread man to share between them, a smile tugged at his lips at the sense of fulfilment the older boy had brought into his life.

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