Blankets Off

742 6 0

By MYGiswhipped

Harry squirmed as the lights from the TV flashed, startling him out of his haze. He buried his face into Louis' neck, mouthing at it desperately as he cowered from the scary noises on the TV. Harry had never been a fan of scary movies—they never gave him the rush of adrenaline that his boyfriend claimed was "what scary movies were all about." He was only left with nightmares after the movie was over, and nothing good ever came out of horror movies. Except this.

Except Harry, sat on Louis' cock, not riding him or being fucked or anything like that, just sitting. Keeping it warm, as Louis had described when he first suggested it to Harry. Harry had been reluctant at first—what pleasure could possibly come from just sitting on your boyfriend's cock for hours on end? But after the first time he tried it, he instantly fell in love with the feeling. He wanted to warm Louis' cock all the time, but he could never work up the courage to ask for it. The one time he had asked, Louis had shut him down quickly, citing jet lag and exhaustion from performing as the reason he couldn't possibly let harry sit on his cock—which was dumb, Harry thought, the only thing Louis had to do was sit there and relax while Harry kept him warm. But still, Louis had said no, and Harry had never asked since.

Which brings us to tonight, where Harry is determined to make the most of this opportunity—Louis doesn't watch scary movies all that often, and when he does, it's usually because one of the other boys has suggested it, and nobody felt like watching anything else. Which—right, Harry should mention—the other boys are in on it. Like, they're in on Louis and Harry's adventurous sex life, and they've stopped being bothered by it at this point. (Louis thinks they secretly like it. Harry thinks them liking it isn't really a secret at all.)

They know that under the soft blue blanket Harry sits speared on Louis' cock, and every time Louis groans it's because Harry's just clenched his arse, and every time Harry groans it's because Louis' just canted his hips up once or twice. So now, when Harry's sucking desperately at Louis' neck, the boys barely spare them a glance before going back to the movie. Louis, however, is unable to maintain his distracted aura, and he can't help but look down at where Harry's face is planted into the junction of his neck. He slides a hand through Harry's long hair, gripping tightly to the hairs closest to his scalp. Harry moans, and Louis uses his grip on Harry's hair to yank his head up, smashing his lips into Harry's. Harry lights up at this, excited to get attention from his Dom, and wriggles his hips in Louis' lap.

Louis kisses his way up Harry's jawline until his lips reach Harry's ear.

"Do you want me to fuck you, darling?" He whispers.

Harry nods frantically, moving his hips more now that he knows Louis wants it too. Louis laughs a little at Harry's eagerness, nibbling on his earlobe before speaking again.

"Okay love, I'll fuck you. You want the blanket on or off?"

"Off," Harry whimpers, loving the thought that the boys will see him, will see everything, and they'll know how good Louis fucks him, seeing it firsthand. It's nothing they haven't seen before, but sometimes Harry gets dizzy with the need to be watched, to be seen by his three closest friends, to put on a show for the people he cares about most in this world (save for Louis, of course).

(Some days, though, he doesn't feel that desperate need to be watched; sometimes he wants it to just be him and Louis who get to have that, so they'll leave the blanket on or cover themselves up with the sheets while they're having sex—it's about as private as they can get in a room with three other people. On days they leave the blanket on, the other boys know just to look away. It's not that they couldn't go to their own room (or bunk, when they're on the bus) and fuck there with the door locked, but they've grown so comfortable with the other boys that there's really no point to it anymore. They don't care, the boys don't care, and they always feel safe; it works for them, so that's what they do.)

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