The pink race

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Harry takes part in the Pink Race now that he's finally 18 and has presented. He can't wait to start his new life as a mated omega, but first, the mating with his three Alphas and his Beta. It's his second heat and it's their first rut in 5 years. The bonding might be long....

Ceiling high mahogany French doors open to an almost obnoxiously enormous bedroom. Right in the middle of it sits a massive, similarly extravagant bed. It's wide, the widest Harry has ever seen, made to accommodate at least four people. Or five, now that he's here.

The dome ceiling is a beautiful mosaic depicting The Legend of The Omega. The tall walls are of a warm light ochre and potted plants are everywhere, hanging in front of their wide bay windows, on their bedside tables or stood at every corner, by every door. The off-white curtains are flimsy and soft, billowing with the warm late June breeze. It looks like a vacation destination, a microscopic slice of paradise in the midst of their dull town. He almost can't believe he's here. If it's not for how hot he his and how hot the hands roaming his body are.

He tries to crawl forward a little when he feels the hot gland of a cock brushing against his wet ass cheeks. It's big, enough to create a tiny swirl of anxiety in his stomach, though it's quickly overtaken by lust. He's seen only one porn flick, shown to him by a kid in school as they hid in the bathroom and huddled around an IPad and the cocks were humongous, hard to put in despite the slick and the added lube. At least, they played it like it was hard to get in, but he didn't get to see all of it, forced to disperse when an older student barged in on them.

Given his very strict and controlled upbringing, he's never been up close and personal with another penis, just his own tiny omega cock. He kind of dreamt intensely of this day.


The slide of the bulbous head across is wet perineum makes him gasp, when it tickles his nerves endings the right way. It takes him some time to gather his thoughts because of how turned on he is, but when he finally does waddle through the crashing waves of pleasure, he remembers the race. He remembers the three mated Alphas standing in a huddle on the other side of a thick pink ribbon. He sucks in his bottom lip harshly at the thought of how their chest swelled when he first laid eyes on them, catching them in open contemplation of his body. It made him preen, throat tight with emotion and his biology responded, cunt throbbing and growing wet from their short howls of interest.

In the last 15 minutes before the Pink Race took off, pink to highlight the fact that it was participants' very first time running, Harry kept his eyes on them until he had to undress. Even then, their eyes never left each other as he slowly disrobed and revealed his newly presented body. The peachy skin, blotchy from arousal, his long legs, and soft hairless thighs. The gentle mounds on his chest tipped with light brown, wide areolas. He had no desire to wait for more experience. After his first, miserable and lonely heat, he signed up for the race, eager to be mated and away from his overbearing, conservative parents.

It's not like they could stop him. The law allowed any presented omega (with blood test results as certification) to sign up for a mating race if they so desired. No amount of influence...okay maybe some level of it could've prevented Harry from participating, but to avoid a guaranteed public fight they let him have his way. In any case, once mated, he was by law no longer theirs to worry about.

Flashes keep coming back to him, even as his body is being flipped to put him on his back and his legs are spread as they hover around him on their mating bed. They're beautiful, big, almost twice his size and guaranteed to give him many pups. It's not for nothing that he also picked them.

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