If you want to free it

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By beautlouis

Louis has Harry blindfolded, so he can't see a thing, can only feel and hear what Louis is doing to him and Harry's just about frantic. He's making whimpering noises, he knows, practically constant, but he can't stop.

Louis drops his hand from Harry's cock and pulls his fingers out of his hole, and strokes a soothing hand through Harry's curls when he whines, careful not to jostle the blindfold.

They're here like this because earlier on the tourbus Niall'd been an idiot (alright, he knows that's unfair, but still) and cheerfully noted how much quieter Harry and Louis'd been this tour, that it made it easier to sleep. He'd thanked them for keeping it down.

Louis is a man of pride though, and he'd always been proud of making Harry scream, keeping the boys up at night and facing them the next morning, knowing what they'd heard. Needless to say, Louis hadn't been pleased by this development and he'd told Harry as much as soon as they'd gotten a moment alone on the bus: "Gonna make you scream tonight, kitten, so everyone can hear." Harry'd shuddered and nodded, stayed very close to Louis the rest of the day.

So Louis' laid Harry out tonight with the express intention of drawing every last whimper, whine, moan, and scream he can out of Harry. And he's doing a perfect job of it.

"Kitten," Louis croons, "make such pretty moans. Bet I can get you further."

Harry groans because Louis' been merciless already, fingered him open for what has to have been the last hour, whispering filth in his ear and praising him every time his cries get almost too loud.

"Yeah," Harry whispers, spreading his legs, "scream for you, just—just do something, please Lou."

His cock is hard and swollen, hot to the touch, and Louis reaches down to cup it in his palm briefly, before puling back. "Baby, alright, I'll give you something."

Harry can't see him, but he feels Louis grin when he kisses him and then Harry can hear him shuffling a bit and then:

"Want to fuck your face now, darling," Louis strokes his cock just in front of Harry lips, making sure to do it fast and hard so that Harry can't miss the sound of it.

And like. Having his mouth filled with Louis' cock would seem counterproductive, but Louis fucking knows how much Harry loves that, and that's what Louis is doing; driving Harry mad with want, desperate and to the edge.

He whines lowly, opening his mouth, trying to get Louis' cock in, because he loves this, love it so much. He's gotten off on it alone before and jesus, Harry would kill to see Louis' eyes right now, all teasing and blue.

Louis waits until Harry starts to say something, then pushes his cock in. Harry feels his eyes roll back because Louis' cock in pressing in so deep, he can't breathe except through his nose, and Harry wants more.

"Oh, kitten, have the loveliest mouth, thank you, love how you give this to me." Louis sounds so pleased, his voice one long moan.

Harry is humping his hips up and making strangled sounds from deep in his throat, all excited and ready to please. Louis gives it to him, long and fast strokes that have Harry choking and gagging, moaning and grabbing Louis' hips to push him further in.

He's gagging consistently now, can feel the tears gathering under the blindfold, but his cock is twitching and he's breathing heavily, fuck maybe it's wrong how much he loves this, but he does, loves it so much. Harry sucks and tastes salt and sweat, feels Louis' hips stutter.

"Baby, baby, so—so wonderful, so sweet, don't know how I got you, shit." Louis' voice is trembly and yes, yes Louis is gonna come, just from his mouth, and that drives Harry even more insane, tilts his head back and moans.

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