Suck on this Babe

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By 1derfulsmut

Louis slowed his car to a crawl as he pulled up to the club scanning for his boyfriend. He saw Niall who was holding Harry up as they both stumbled towards his car. Louis could hear girls screaming Harry's name and he tightened his fingers around the wheel.

The back door to the car opened and Niall shoved Harry in and followed clumsily behind him.

"W-what? Why'd you call him Niall?" Harry slurred in the back seat. "Thought yous said you was gonna call Liam."

Louis shot him a deadly look in the rear view mirror. He and Harry had had a fight before he left for the club and Harry clearly hadn't gotten over it yet. It was a stupid fight. Harry was pissed that Louis wasn't going to come to the club with him and Louis was pissed at Harry for always wanting to go out instead of staying at home with him. It's not that Louis hated going to clubs, he hated the fact that whenever they went out people would throw themselves at Harry, begging to suck his cock in the back toilet. Harry always giggled and politely said no but sometimes Louis felt he was being too polite and too giggly for his liking. Why couldn't Harry just tell them to fuck off? Why did Louis always have to? And why did Harry shoot Louis dirty looks when he did? It got particularly bad one time when a boy with devilishly handsome blue eyes wouldn't stop trying to grind on Harry and Louis ended up beating the shit out of him outside the club. Louis eventually had to give the guy thousands of pounds in order for him to not press charges as well as to keep this out of the press. When stuff like this happened, why was it so surprising for Harry that Louis chose to stay home in order to avoid such conflicts?

"Did I? Whoops sorry Harry." Niall giggled. Niall and him were clearly both trashed and Louis realized it would be a miracle if neither of them ended up puking on themselves by the time they got home.

"S'okay I forgive you – you're so cute my little Irish cutie I love you." Harry slurred and tried to kiss Niall on the cheek. Niall laughed and pushed him away. Louis sped up, wanting to deposit Niall at his place as soon as possible before Harry pissed him off even more. He could see in the rear view mirror that some slag had left lipstick kisses all over his cheeks. The fact that this happened basically every time Harry went to the club made Louis blood boil. Louis didn't think Harry would ever cheat on him but he definitely let people get way too friendly with him when he was out.

"Why're you pushing me away? I love yous love me back Niall!" Harry roared with laughter and tried to jump on Niall's lap.

"Do I look like a slut? Get offa me Harry!" Niall laughed pushing Harry off of him again. Niall clearly enjoyed the attention but he was terrified of Louis getting pissed at him. He knew how territorial and possessive Louis was of Harry and did not want to get in the middle of whatever fight they both were having.

"Ya you do! Must be why I like you.." Harry slurred once again and tried to lick Niall this time. Louis' fingers were white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly. Luckily for Niall they had arrived at his place and Louis had slammed on the brakes as soon as they got there, causing Harry (who decided not to wear a seat belt) to fall off of Niall and onto the car floor.

"Harry you idiot!" Niall roared with laughter. He went to help Harry off of the floor but as soon as he did Louis told him to stop.

"Just leave him on the fucking floor. We're almost home." Louis snarled.

Niall gave a timid look at Louis and knew better than to challenge him, especially on matters of Harry.

"Sorry mate. I'll text you tomorrow..." Niall said as he got out of the car, leaving Harry half-conscious on the floor.

Harry started murmuring something incoherent and Louis took off as soon as Niall shut the door. Harry remained on the floor and neither of them said anything to the other the entire ride home. Once they got home, Louis got out of the car and opened the back seat to retrieve his boyfriend. He went to grab hold of Harry to help him out but was met with a slur of abuse instead.

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