Helping each other out

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By FutureMrsHaroldStyles

Zayn doesn't even bother knocking. Liam and Niall are out and about and he really needs someone to talk to which only leaves Louis and Harry. That in mind he opens the door to their shared hotel room and walks right in to see Louis buried balls deep in Harry.

"Lads." Louis looks up to see Zayn standing next to the bed while Harry lets out a small whimper not very pleased with losing Louis attention.

"What's up, Zaynie?" Louis asks his best friend not even stopping to fuck into his boyfriend. Which says a lot about how comfortable all the boys are with each other. Zayn, Liam and Niall have already walked in on Harry and Louis fucking too many times to even bother. Besides they all know Harry has a bit of an exhibitionism kink and is really getting off to it.

Zayn flops down next to Harry on the bed and kicks off his shoes getting more comfortable. Though Zayn doesn't usually mind the two of them fucking next to him - you really can't blame him it is fucking hot after all - it doesn't really help his situation right now. Right now he's really fucking horny and Perrie is nowhere near, which really is kind of his problem here. So he lifts his leg and lightly kicks Louis in the ribs.

"Could you please stop fucking him for a moment?" Louis looks down to him again and seems to notice that the raven haired boy is serious so he stops fucking into Harry and shooting his boyfriend an apologetic look he makes to pull out completely but Harry is stopping him with a hand on Louis thigh, trying to keep him close.

"Please don't stop, Daddy. M'so close..." Harry practically moans the words looking really out of it. Eyes glassy, cheeks a delicate shade of red and even his chest is flushed dark. Zayn almost feels sorry for the younger lad for being the reason he doesn't get to come. But not really, he knows enough about his band mates sex life to know that Harry loves to work for his orgasms, he loves to please others and gets off to the thought of being denied to come because he wasn't good enough. Zayn decides to just let Louis deal with the situation.

"Don't be rude, Harold. Zayn is our friend and you are so selfish you can't even wait a little longer for your release to help your friend. Is that what good boys do?" Zayn watches Louis looking down at Harry and slowly shaking his head. Disappointment clearly written in his eyes. Harry's reaction is immediate, his eyes are getting wet, tears starting to form.

"M'sorry, Daddy. I'm not a bad boy. I'm am good boy... I can be good for you. I can wait. I promise. You can punish me. I deserve it. I'm so sorry, Daddy!"

Louis finally having pulled out sits down on Harry's other side. "Maybe I'll have to do just that. Give you a good spanking for being so inconsiderate. Later. But it's not me you should apologize to, Harold. Don't you think you should tell Zayn how very sorry you are?"

Harry immediately nods his head at Louis so fast it looks kind of comical and scrambles to his knees so he is facing Zayn. "I'm sorry for being selfish, Zayn. I can be a good friend. Please forgive me. Please," he practically begs Zayn who is quick to assure him that it's all right, that he is doesn't blame him for wanting to come, that he is a good friend.

Louis comes back from where he went to retrieve a bottle of water from the hotel room's little fridge. Getting back in bed beside Harry, he pulls the younger boy into his side, cuddling him close and pulls the comforter over the both of them. Then he hands Harry the water, making sure he drinks the better part of it. After he takes the bottle back, he puts it on the nightstand. Louis strokes his fingers down Harry's cheek before leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on his mouth.

"You okay, baby?" he whispers softly while running his hand through Harry's sweaty hair, combing through it and gently untangling the knots. Watching them have sex is one thing but this feels so intimate, Zayn feels like he's intruding something. He doesn't have to worry about it for long though because after Harry gave Louis a small nod, they both turn to look at Zayn expectantly.

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