#19 (Steve Saga)

598 23 19

Sabre: Can I be frank with you guys?

Lucas: Sure, but I don't see how changing your name is gonna help

Light: Can I still be Light?

Rainbow: Shh, let Frank speak


Galaxy: Rainbow, I want to give you some advice

Rainbow: ...Right okay

Galaxy: If a door ever says 'push' you pull. It's not directions, it's a challenge

Little bit of LightSpike because why not XD

Light: Are you a cuddler?

Lucas: I AM A MACHINE OF DEATH AND DESTRUC- yeah I'm a cuddler.


Rainbow: I'm craving something sweet :(

Void, gesturing to himself: ;)

Rainbow: I said something sweet, not a heap of salt


Sabre: Tale as old as time...

Lucas: Memes as old as vine

Sabre and Lucas: Beauty and the-

Galaxy: YEET

Galaxy family incorrect quote set because yes 😅 (Also Void is the one keeping them together and not doing dumb things)

Void: Galaxy, you're in charge while I'm away

Galaxy: Alright, I'm your Steve!

Void: Keep the others out of trouble

Galaxy: Okay, I'm kinda your Steve

Void: And don't do anything stupid

Galaxy: You need another Steve


Galaxy: Sabre

Sabre: Yes?

Galaxy: Do you want to see a butterfly?

Sabre: Wh-

Galaxy: *Throws butter across the room*

Sabre, wheezing on the floor: THAT WAS GOLD


Positive: Brother, what's that on your chest?!

Negative, looking down: Hmm? Where? There's nothi-

Positive, rushing over to hug him: Oh! It's just me!


Light: I think Sabre was right

Rainbow: I'm surprised he hasn't marched in here to say 'I told you so'

Lucas: He wouldn't do that

Sabre: You're right, Lucas. For once in your life, you're 100% right

Sabre: *turns around, the shirt he's wearing says 'Sabre told you so' on the back*

Yeah this chapter was kinda focused on Sabre and Lucas unintentionally-

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