#83 (Steve Saga)

296 13 9

*At the police station*

Rainbow, acting tough: What are you here for?

Person: I killed eleven people

Rainbow: E-eleven?

Person: What about you?

Rainbow, tearing up: J-jaywalking


Lucas: *Making s'mores*

Galaxy: I am the s'more making master! No one in the entire world has been able to compete with my complex s'more making skills. I'm telling you, this is about to be the greatest, most chocolatey, graham cracker treat you have ever tasted!

Lucas: Your marshmallow fell into the fire


Nightmare, in bed, turns over: You awake?

Dark: No

Nightmare: Come on, this is important

Dark: *Turns to him* What is it?

Nightmare: *Kisses Dark* I love you

Dark: Lucky me...now go the frick to sleep

Nightmare: *Fake pouts*


Dark: I love you too...


*Sabre and Rainbow shopping*

Rainbow: I gotta go to the bathroom, be right back

Sabre: Sure!

Rainbow: *Leaves for the bathroom*

Sabre: *Roams around the mall*

*20 minutes later*

Sabre: *Calls Rainbow for the 82,610th time*

Sabre: His freaking phone is dead...

Speaker: Sabre, your, uh...child is at register 3 in the supermarket

Sabre: My child...?

Sabre: *Goes to register 3*

Rainbow, sitting on the bench, looking at Sabre and pouting: You left me


Lucas: Have you ever not liked someone in a romantic way and everything is so cool I mean look at Light he's cute but I would never like him that way

Light: *Accidentally brushes his hand against Lucas'*

Lucas: Oh

Lucas: Oh frick


Positive: Shadow is even wearing his formal jacket

Negative: It's the only one without any blood on it


Galaxy: I can't do this

Purple: That's because you're incapable of doing it, because you don't know how, because you have no skills


Sabre: It's over. We won

*Behind him Nightmare slowly stands back up*



Rainbow: *Starts to point*

Sabre: No. We won. I'm not turning back and looking at him. We won


Shadow, trapped in one of Sabre's machines: Oh, I am so relieved you guys found me. Wait, how did you find me?

Positive: You haven't said anything cocky or bragged to us in like, 5 hours, so we knew something was up

𝙇𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙘. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now