#74 (Steve Saga)

309 10 39

Sabre, answering his phone: Hello?

Galaxy: It's Galaxy

Sabre: What did he do this time?

Galaxy: No, it's me, Galaxy. It's actually me

Sabre: What did you do this time?


Lucas: *Pretends to stretch arms*

Lucas: *Puts an arm around Light*

Light: *Smiles and cuddles into him*

Nightmare: *Watches Lucas*

Nightmare: *Looks at Dark next to him*

Nightmare: *Pretends to stretch*

Nightmare: *Hits Dark in the face with his elbow*

Nightmare, mumbling: Oh frick



Chaos: Ultra, are you ever going to listen to me?

Ultra: Yes, I will

Chaos: When?

Ultra: When you're right


Galaxy: Purple, can I give you some advice?

Purple: Absolutely not


*Losing ___ in a crowd, part 4*

Sabre: *Loses Lucas in a crowd*

Sabre: This calls for drastic measures

Sabre: *Hoots*

Lucas: *Hoots back*

Sabre: *Hoots louder*

Lucas: *Runs while flapping his arms* HOOT HOOT MOTHERTRUCKER

Sabre: There he is


Negative: Despite what everyone thinks, I don't actually hate everyone in here

Positive: Are you sure about that?

Negative: Well actually Dark is completely terrible

Dark: Ouchh

Negative: I dislike Shadow because he's Shadow

Shadow: I'm not even mad

Negative: Hypno was clearly cheating in the training session yesterday

Hypno: Negative, winning isn't called cheating

Negative: Nightmare was being particularly annoying this morning

Nightmare: I literally just said excuse me because you were blocking my way

Positive: So...you hate everyone then?

Negative: Not you Pos, you're my favorite, love you little bro


Galaxy: *Screams*

Sabre: WHAT?!

Galaxy: Something just brushed up against my left leg!

Sabre: What was it?!

Galaxy: ...Oh no. It's okay; it was just my right leg!


*Shopping excursion*

Sabre: *Scanning the shelves*

Sabre: *Looks around, then at Lucas* Have you seen Rainbow?

Lucas: *Shakes his head and shrugs*

Sabre: MARCO!

Rainbow, from nearby: POLO!

Sabre: That came from the candy aisle, didn't it?


Nightmare: *Walks into the room*

Positive, singing: Cause you're hot then you're cold!

Negative: You're yes then you're no!

Hypno: You're in then you're out!

Dark: You're up then you're down!

Positive: You're wrong when it's right!

Negative: It's black and it's white!

Hypno: We fight, we break up

Dark: We kiss, we make up!


Nightmare: You guys really have to stop doing that whenever I walk into the room

𝙇𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙘. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now