#137 (Steve Saga)

219 13 13

Hypno: Where is everyone...?

Positive: Dark is getting divorced, Shadow's trying to blow the place up, Negative went back to bed, Nightmare has succumbed to bloodlust, and I'm in charge

Hypno: What on Earth

Positive: I know right???


Rainbow: Yeah, I agree with Gal-

Rainbow: Oh my gosh, I agree with Galaxy

Sabre: You good?

Rainbow, visibly distressed: Sabre, what's wrong with me?


Shadow: You know, deep down I've always wanted a pet

Nightmare: You can't keep this

Shadow: Why not?



*Losing __ in a crowd, part 6*

Positive: We lost Dark!

Hypno: One moment

Hypno: *Clears throat*


Dark, in the distance: AGAIN?!


Rainbow: Galaxy, get out of my room!

Galaxy, standing as close to the doorway as possible without actually being in the room: But I'm not in your room

Rainbow: I don't care, get out of my room!

Galaxy: But I'm not in your room, so how could I get out of it??

Rainbow: Well, you're bothering me, so get out

Galaxy: How can I be bothering you? I'm minding my own business!

Rainbow: Yeah, in my room

Galaxy: But I'm not in your room

Rainbow: Sabre! Galaxy's in my room!

Sabre, from his own room: Galaxy, get out of Rainbow's room


Sabre, walking up behind Galaxy: Can you two not act like actual children for one second?!

Galaxy: He started it!

Rainbow: No, you started it!

Sabre: Unbelievable

Is it just me, or do Rainbow and Galaxy sometimes give off chaotic sibling energy?-

Rainbow, Galaxy and Purple: *Screaming*

Sabre, running in: WHAT'S WRONG PURPLE?!

Galaxy: Why are you only asking Purple? We're all screaming?

Sabre: Because Purple doesn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you get the chance


Dark: So Shadow, how are you liking your new Keurigs?

Shadow: Oh, I never bought them


Dark, smiling: You bought those swords for Positive and Negative, didn't you?


Shadow: Tell anyone and I will murder you

Dark: Why don't you want people to know about this?

Shadow: I don't want anyone thinking I've gone soft or...

Shadow, whispering: ...or that I love my baby brothers...

Ik Shadow and the Chaos Twins aren't actually brothers, but I like to think of the members of the Nightmare Family that aren't Nightmare and Dark as brothers, so-

Galaxy: You can trust me, Rainbow!

Rainbow: I don't even trust the way you just said I could trust you


Negative: So what do you do when you see someone with a bomb?

Positive: Call them a boomer?

Negative: I've taught you so well

𝙇𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙘. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now