#77 (Steve Saga)

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Shadow: Murder wasn't on today's agenda

Dark: Murder isn't on anyone's agenda

Shadow: No, it's on mine, just not until Thursday


Sabre: The studies show that you are the most amazing person in the world

Rainbow: Source?

Sabre: Me


Lucas: I'm just gonna carefully drop a few hints here and there that I might like him

Lucas: Gotta keep it cool, you know? I don't want to seem too desperate or forward

Lucas: Keep it hidden

Light: Hey, did you-

Lucas: Marry me


Dark, on the phone with Shadow, pretending to be a killer as a prank: I'm watching you


Shadow: Do I look good?


Negative: Positive, I hate to break it to you, but you do realize no one dabs anymore, right?

*Collective gasps all around*

Dark: Oh no here we go

Positive, furiously turning purple: Well you're just as bad as a- a- PEPSI DRINKER


Hypno, making angry noises in the distance: WHO INSULTED DABBING LET ME AT THEM


Elemental, pacing around: I have to be tough on Time so that he can be successful

Time: *Smiles*

Elemental: Screw being tough, Time, I love you, keep being you, little brother <3


Sabre: It's been years since we lost our dear friend, Lucas

Lucas, from inside the Rainbow House: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I'M DEAD

Sabre: Sometimes I can still hear his voice


*Nightmare and Dark are glaring at each other*

Negative: Do you smell that?

Positive: *Sniffs the air* What?

Negative: *Points to Nightmare and Dark*

Negative: The scent of relationship tension is in the air


Sabre: You, you cant lie. Where is Galaxy?

Rainbow: Well, ah, I don't know where he's not

Sabre: You don't know where Galaxy is?

Rainbow: On the contrary-

Sabre: So you do know where he is?

Rainbow: I'm possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that I undeniably do or do not know where he shan't possibly be

Rainbow: If that indeed where he isn't

Sabre: *Facepalms*

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