#127 (Rainbow Quest)

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So as I was reading through the comments in yesterday's update, I remembered the fact that Sabre could see this book, so I went back and edited the ENTIRE book and made sure no swear words were in it, unless they were needed for the joke, and so Sabre wouldn't have a bad first impression of me. It was also because some characters needed to be changed around, so if you want, you can go and look back on what I changed-

Elemental: Hey, Time! You know how you always wanted an ostrich?

Time: Uhm...no?

*An insane amount of noise comes from the kitchen as Elemental tries to keep the door closed*


Sabre: *Runs into a glass door and passes out*

M: *Walks away*

Prof. Red: Isn't that your boyfriend...?

M: Shhhhh, lower your voice


Rainbow: Hey, Void, I- what are you-

Void: *Leans into Rainbow's face with a low hum and sexy smile*

Rainbow: *Blushing furiously*

Void: *Puts a hand under Rainbow's chin*

Void: *Leans to Rainbow's ear, his hot breath tickling his skin*

Void: I think we should have Chinese for dinner

Void: *Leans back and walks away*

Rainbow: *Exasperated sputtering*


Nightmare: I like saying no. It lowers everyone's enthusiasm


Dark: Hey Sabre, how do I ask someone out?

Sabre: Well, you see-

M: No, don't ask him. He asked me out in a McDonald's bathroom


Time: ...and you said yes


*Whenever Rainbow makes up a plan*

Rainbow: What could go wrong?

Light: Absolutely everything


Shadow, hoarsely: I'm losing my voice

Dark: Haha, I guess that means you can't yell at us anymore


Dark, narrating: Turns out, Shadow is scarier when he's quiet


Corruption: *Taps table*

Soul: *Taps back*

Undercover Sabre: What the heck are they doing?

Shadow, in his head: I don't know

Rainbow Void: Morse code

Soul: *Taps the table very aggressively*

Corruption: *Slams his hands down and stands up* YOU JERK, TAKE THAT BACK!


*In a fight with basically any villain that was alive when Rainbow was*

Sabre: Rainbow?! We could REALLY use your help over here!

Rainbow, covered in sleeping piglets: Sorry, I have been chosen. I can't move ever again

𝙇𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙘. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now