#103 (Rainbow Quest)

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So I was thinking: would you guys be interested if I did an Ask or Dare Rainbow Quest book? I've seen these for other fandoms, but I kind of want to do one myself, where you (the readers) can ask or dare any of the RQ characters (the ones the have some sort of plot significance)! If I do end up doing one, it'll have weekly updates (if there's enough comments to use for the "episode") and be kind of structured like this book, but more like in a tv show format (if that makes sense lol).

So, what do you think? Yay or nay on an Ask or Dare Rainbow Quest book?

Sabre: Are all of you guys ready to go kill a horde of demonized darkness?

Shadow: I'm ready

Dark: I'm hungry

Time: I'm tired

Void: And I'm Void Steve


Rainbow: What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?!

*Scene cuts to Rainbow wearing a grass skirt, flower lei, and a flower tucked behind his ear*

Rainbow, singing: LUAU! If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat, eat my buddy Gerald here because he's a treat! Come on down and dine! On this tasty swine! All you have to do is get in line! Aaaare you achin'

Gerald, in his head: Yup, yup, yup

Rainbow, singing: Foooor some bacon?

Gerald, in his head: Yup, yup, yup

Rainbow, singing: Heeeere's a big pig!

Gerald, in his head: Yup, yup

Rainbow, singing: You could be a big pig too! OI!

Rainbow and Gerald: *Screaming as they run from The Darkness*


Soul: I tried to let go of my anger, and threw a rock at my foot!

Void, to Corruption: And what happened to you?

Corruption: Oh, I laughed so hard a burst a blood vessel in my nose. It's fine


Sabre: Light...you took me on a trip to Spain...but without the 'a'

Light, sighing: Sabre, we've talke- wait

Light: The 'a?'

Sabre: *Spinning on a swivel chair at extremely high speeds*


*Dark before he turned good*

Dark: *Points knife at emotions (From the assistant and Happy)*

Dark: S t a y b a c k


Elemental: I have a science headcannon

Time: Can't you just say you have a hypothesis like a normal steve?

Elemental: So my science headcannon is-


Sabre: *Walks into the kitchen*

Rainbow: *Sitting on top of the fridge*

Gerald: *Standing on the stove while attempting to jump onto the kitchen cabinets*

Galaxy: *Absolutely terrified while standing on the table with a broom and glass cup in each hand* Oh...hey Sabre!

Sabre: What the heck, Galaxy?

Sabre: What are you three even attempting to do?!

Galaxy: We're playing a game, Sabre!









Sabre: May I ask what game you guys are playing?

Galaxy: Uh...the game is called 'We found a massive spider and we don't know where it went'

Sabre: FRICK- *Scrambles onto the counter and grabs a knife from the knife block*

Time: *Walks into the kitchen*

Time: I think I found the spider

Time: *Points at his clock mask where the spider is chilling*

Rainbow, Sabre, Galaxy and Gerald: *Incoherent screaming*


(So as I was writing this I realized this was a shipping incorrect quote set, but since I don't ship the Chaos Twins of RQ, just pretend it's platonic)

Corruption: There are those weirdos that spend a lot of money on Valentine's Day to get expensive gifts, dinner, clothes

Corruption: And then there's Soul and I who go up to those couples, slap one of them, yell 'You said you loved me!' and run away crying

Corruption: Then we just get some popcorn and watch the drama

Soul, nodding: And save the money we could use for basically anything else


Time: Hey Sabre, what do you want to eat?

Shadow: The souls of the innocent...

Sabre: A bagel

Shadow: NO!

Sabre: Two bagels

𝙇𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙘. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now