#102 (Steve Saga Origins)

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Last long incorrect quote set for today. I love this one in particular because I feel it works with Blue and Rainbow's kind of friendship, so enjoy! 😁😂

*Blue and Rainbow discussing their plan of interrogating Dark, who's currently trapped in a machine they made*

Blue: Okay Rainbow, let's get in there and get this confession!

Rainbow: You got it!

*Blue and Rainbow march towards Dark*

Blue: Alright, listen-!

Rainbow: When I was 12 I peed on my dog...



Rainbow: Right in his little dog face


Blue: Excuse us

*Blue and Rainbow back in a group huddle*

Blue: Ok, you don't make the confession. He makes the confession

Rainbow: He peed on my dog?

Blue: No, no. Just do what I do

*Blue and Rainbow march towards Dark*

Blue and Rainbow, pointing at Dark: Look, Dark, we can do this the easy way or the-

Blue and Rainbow, pointing at each other: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Blue and Rainbow, pointing back at Dark: STAY THERE!

Blue and Rainbow, pointing at each other: STOP!

*Back in their group huddle*

Rainbow: Dang it! We almost had him!

Blue: Okay, new plan: I'll be good cop and you can be bad cop

Rainbow, excited and inspired: Nice!

*Blue and Rainbow march towards Dark*

Blue: Okay-

Rainbow, suddenly wearing sunglasses and holding a skateboard: EEEY, Dark! Crime is totally cool! Let's bounce out of here and grab some pizza! I've got a skateboard! POGS!


Blue: That's Rad Cop


Rainbow: Bummer!

*Time skip: Rainbow is now crying with a mountain of tissues in front of Dark*

Rainbow, sobbing: Why did you do it, Dark? You were so young! You had such a bright future!

Blue: Sad cop...

Rainbow, whimpering:

*Time skip: Rainbow is now wearing a punny t-shirt, a fanny pack, and white socks with sandals*

Rainbow: Dark, your mother and I are very disappointed in you

Blue: That's Dad Cop-

Blue, realizing he is wearing a dress and an apron: WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?!

Rainbow, scolding Dark: You been naughty!

*Time skip*

Blue: Plad cop...

Rainbow, wearing a Scottish Highland dress while playing bagpipes: I'M SHREEEK

*Time skip*

Blue: Knee pad cop...grad cop...Explaining-To-Steve-Saga-Fans-That-The-Reboot-Isn't-That-Bad Cop

Rainbow: Again, Rainbow Quest is so much better than-

*Time skip*

Rainbow: *Approaches Dark with a serious attitude and reads from a police file*

Rainbow: Dark Steve, street name 'Dark.' On your fifteenth arrest yesterday, there were fourteen eye witnesses, camera surveillance footage, and enough forensic evidence to clone you and throw you both in jail for a very very long time. Confess now, Dark, and maybe we can cut you a deal

Blue, nodding, impressed: Not bad, Rainbow-

Rainbow, jumps up, suddenly wearing a tutu: Also, I'm a jELLY BEAN! Have you seen my penguins?! The government is BEES! I love you!!

Blue, sighing: Mad cop...

*Time skip: Blue and Rainbow back in a group huddle*

Rainbow: How did I do?

Blue: Terribly! Look, why don't you be good cop and then I'll be bad cop

Rainbow: Wait...why don't we both be bad cop?

Blue, enlightened:

Blue: Yeah!

Rainbow: Yeah!

Blue: YEAH!

Rainbow: YEAH!

*Time skip: Blue and Rainbow approach and overwhelm Dark with all of their props and lines*

Blue and Rainbow: *CHAOTIC SHOUTING*


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