#101 (Rainbow Quest)

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Once again, another long one which will make up this chapter. Enjoy Void and Sabre acting like anime rivals now XD

Sabre: *Enters an empty room where Void is in* Oh, so you're the legendary Steve that everybody's trying so hard to catch

Void, who's back is facing Sabre: Who's asking?


Sabre: Ok, first off, why do you do that? 'Who's asking?' What do you expect me to say to that? You're just giving yourself away and-and, what do I say? What do I say after that? It's stupid. Like, at least try to act like you don't know English or something. Be more creative! Like, 'sorry I don't speak good-'

Sabre: Nevermind, I'm getting off topic. To answer your question, I'm the guy that's gonna catch you

Void: *Turns around* Oh really? With what evidence?

Sabre: Oh, there's plenty of evidence. Like what's in the hoodie pocket?

Void: *Takes out a reusable water bottle from his pocket* What, this bottle? Why would a simple water bottle incriminate me?

Sabre: Shake it

Void: *Scoffs and shakes the water bottle*

*The water bottle makes a clanking noise, as if a small metal object is inside of it*

Void: You're smarter than you look

Sabre: I have reason to believe that you tried to steal a key to a safe that held millions upon millions of dollars. However, I swapped that key with a banana before you got to it

Void: *Stumbles back* ?!

Void: *Opens the bottle and shakes its contents out. A banana falls out of the bottle and into his hand* ...Impressive. But I only expected that

Sabre: Really?

Void: Yes, really. I expected you to swap that out with this banana

Void: *Unpeels the banana, revealing a key inside of it* So I managed to steal the key before I stole it and implanted it into the banana that you would swap it with! The one that you have is a fake replica key that I made!

Sabre: Funny you should say that...because I knew you would make a fake key. So I stole the fake key that you made and swapped it with the real one. So that when you inevitably swap the real one with the fake one, you would actually put the real one back in its place! In other words, the one in that banana is the fake one

Void: Hmm, very clever, but I thought ahead

Void: *Takes out a remote* I planted bombs around the city that I could detonate at any moment in several locations if you don't give me the key right now. Now, what will it be: the key or destruction?

Sabre: *Looks conflicted* It's a hard decision

Sabre: *Shows a battery in his hand* It's a good thing I don't have to pick, because this is the battery to your detonator!

Void: I'd be angry...if I didn't already put the bombs on a backup timer

Sabre: I'd be pressed...if we didn't already disarm them

Void: I'd be upset if I didn't-

*Sabre's phone rings*

Void: You might want to answer that

Sabre: *Answers phone* Hello?

Phone guy: Yeah, I'm calling back this number because your dry cleaning is-

*Explosions and screams come from the phone*

Sabre: *Grimaces*

Void: I knew you would disarm the bombs. That's why I placed extra bombs at your dry cleaner! You'll never enjoy unwrinkled clothes again. You'll have to iron them like everyone else!

Sabre, looking upset: That sucks...because we located those bombs to your dry cleaners

Void: *Gasps and looks away, feeling afraid* ...I think you missed one detail

Sabre: *Smug and looks away* Not likely. You're caught, bro

Void: I'm not even here

Sabre: *Does a double take*

Sabre: *Realizes that Void hasn't been in this room. Instead, it has been a smartphone propped up on a chair*

Void: *Is voice-chatting through the phone*

Sabre: What? WHAT?!

Void: I was never there! You've been FaceTiming me this entire time!

Sabre, baffled: No! What?!

Void: This entire time I'm actually in my house. Chilling. You thought you were a step ahead the whole time. Nope, you weren't even talking to me! I've been chilling! I was chill! Good luck! Good luck trying to find me! Good luck!

Sabre: Wait, what do I need luck for? I don't need a thing!

Void, laughing arrogantly: What do you mean?

Sabre: I'm in your HOUSE

Void, visibly frightened: That's not true!

Sabre: *Marches to the nearby door and loudly knocks on it*

Void: *Hears the knocks and stares in horror at the door, knowing Sabre is on the other side*

Sabre: OPEN UP

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