#94 (Rainbow Quest)

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Demon Void: I'm back~

Sabre: What the- you cant be here. You're dead. I literally saw you die

Demon Void: Death is a social construct


Corruption, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!

Soul, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense, Barbie. You're staying home and having my kids

Void: What the heck are you two doing?

Corruption: Playing systemic oppression


Someone, going over Reverse's resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you're creative

Reverse: Yes, I am

Someone: Okay...May I know what you create?

Reverse: Problems


(This one is from KellyTheKitty4 , once again. And once again am I grateful for her help when it comes to finding incorrect quotes :D And since there's gonna be more quotes from her in this update, and maybe for the next few days, I'll just put this above it to show it's from her)

Sabre: *Slams books down on the table*

Sabre: Boil up some Mountain Dew, it's gonna be a long night

M: You could've said anything else

Sabre: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja blast to fuel my trouble

M, exasperated, hiding his head in his hands: I'm going to stop challenging you when you say random things. I won't win. I realize this now


Corruption: I've invited you to my private island because I crave the deadliest game...

Soul, nodding: Knife Monopoly?

Corruption: I was actually gonna hunt you down for sport but now I'm really interested in whatever Knife Monopoly is-


Elemental: What if vampires aren't affected by the sun and just heard the stories and decided not to push their luck?

Time, sarcastically: What if you CAN eat asbestos and constriction companies have just been hoarding their delicious, delicious asbestos for years?

Elemental: YOU. You get it


Sabre: I really love you, M





M: *Slowly pulls a huge binder out of nowhere*

Sabre: What- what is that????

M: Just my plan for our wedding. I've been preparing it since we first met

M: I already promised Time he could set off the fireworks


Shadow, taping a knife to a Roomba and setting it free: Be free, my creation

Dark, entering the room with a small cut on his ankle: WHO THE FRICK-


Green (the one that helped Sabre in season 3): Roses are red

Green: Violets are blue

Green: Sunflowers are yellow

Green: I bet you were expecting something romantic, but no, this is just gardening facts, sorry

𝙇𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙘. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now