#200 (Steve Saga and Steve Saga Origins + Important A/N)

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Hey guys! Looks like after a few months of updating, the book has reached its final chapter. Sad, Ik, but I'll have a second book soon, so if you want to be among the first to know when it's out, be sure to leave a follow so you'll get the notification! (Wow, my first time self-promoting following my account. What a weird feeling-)

Anyways, before the second book comes out, I want to focus on my Oneshots book and get some drafts I have done, and hopefully some requests will come in during that time. I'll also be working more on chapters for the Unknown Trilogy and try to figure out how exactly Star would impact the story when the Rainbow Town was still around. The rest is figured out though.

But besides all that, I want to say a big thank you to all of you who have made it this far! I've loved seeing all of the comments you guys leave, as well as all the support people gave for this. It truly means a lot to me to see how many of you enjoy this book, and motivated me to keep writing it.

Also, a huge thank you to KellyTheKitty4 for helping me with incorrect quotes when ideas for them were running low. If you didn't step in to help, this book probably wouldn't make it to this chapter, so again, tysm for helping! And don't worry, the quotes you gave that I didn't end up using will be used in the second book.

As for the sequel to this book, I may not update daily, seeing as I always feel pressured to get chapters done and update before the end of the day. So either expect weekly updates, or updates every other day. I'll figure it out when the time comes.

But one last thing: fun fact, as of the end of this chapter, there will be 1,800 incorrect quotes written here. Quite a large number, Ik, but I'm aiming for 2,000 next book, so that'll mean 10 incorrect quotes per chapter. With the exceptions of the 100 chapter specials, there were 9 per chapter here. This also counts as an exception, since I'll be writing in the 16 incorrect quotes that could've been put with the specials. So enjoy! 😁

Steve Saga:

Dark: Guys, stop playing 'What is it?'

Hypno: What do you expect us to do, work?

Dark: Yes

Shadow: No


Origin: I'm not angry

Origin: Angry is for people with emotions


*After Rainbow's deal with Void was broken*

Rainbow: I trusted you!

Void: Well, that wasn't very smart, was it?


*During the episode where Rainbow sacrificed himself to save Sabre and Galaxy*

Galaxy: -And nothing can go wrong!

*Rainbow dies*



Sabre: Last time we spoke, you were bothered about the feelings of humanity

Origin: I was, yes, but I have good news for you on that front. I have healed

Sabre: Is that so?

Origin: Yes, back to my normal devilish self. No pesky empathy to be found. I'll kick a puppy if one waltzed by. I'm joking, puppies don't waltz


Negative: We're going to die!

Positive: Think positive!

Negative: Okay. I am positive we're going to die


Sabre: Girls, girls, you're both pretty and beautiful. Now, can you please shut up?

Nightmare: I'm not a girl

Sabre: Neither is Rainbow but he's not complaining


Origin: What am I allergic to?

Alex: Pine nuts. And the full spectrum of human emotions

Steve Saga Origins:

Prof. Red: Sarcasm is not an emotion

Purple: No, in your case, it's a way of life


Dark: What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it

Hypno: Okay, a simple wrong would have done just fine


Prof. Red: I love you

Purple: That's gay

Prof. Red: I'm gay, you're gay, we're literally dating

Yep, I've found myself shipping the Professor and Purple, so that'll be a ship seen in the second book :)

Blue: How long are you gonna be mad at me?

Rainbow: Ten minutes


Nightmare: Are you talking BACK to me?

Purple: Yeah, it's how a conversation works


Rainbow: Why are you throwing so much shade?

Hypno: Well, will you let me throw knives instead?


Blue: Could you be quiet? I'm trying to think

Prof. Red: Don't worry, doing anything for the first time is difficult


Blue: Do you ever dream, Rainbow, about who you're gonna be?

Rainbow: Who I'm gonna be?

Blue: Yeah

Rainbow, panicking: Aren't- aren't I gonna be me?

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