#183 (Steve Saga Origins)

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Blue: I have this massive crush on this person...how do I tell them that I love them and want to spend the rest of my life with them?

Rainbow: Just suck it up and do it!

Blue: Okay. Rainbow. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you


Rainbow: Just like that! Now go tell them!

Blue: I...I just did

Rainbow: Oh my gosh, really? What did they say??

Blue: Dude-

Ik I did one similar to this in one of the previous SSO chapters, but I wanted to do it with Blue confessing instead of Rainbow, so yeah-

Prof. Red: Why hello there guys







Prof. Red: Now you may be wondering why I am taped to the ceiling


Yellow: Green

Green: What?

Yellow: Green

Green: What?

Yellow: Green

Green: What?

Yellow: I forgot what I was going to say


Nightmare: Such beautiful scenery...silence...only you and me

Nightmare: You really are that romantic, huh?

Dark: ...We're on a chairlift


Blue, munching an apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Red: An apple a day can keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough


Rainbow: Literally name one thing that's better than a dog

Yellow: Two dogs


Rainbow: Shoot you're right


Prof. Red: Oh no...

Blue: Oh my goodness, Professor. What did you do this time?

Prof. Red:

Prof. Red: Lets be honest. What haven't I done at this point Blue?


Green, in a pitch black room: Yellow! Is that you?

Yellow, in the same room: What?

Green: I said, 'Is that you?'

Yellow: What! I can't hear you. It's too dark in here!


Rainbow: We're out of control!

Purple: Do we ever have control?

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