#45 (Steve Saga)

404 15 17

Nightmare: Are you...blushing?

Dark: What, no!

Nightmare: Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, Dark to blush?

Dark: No...it's...it's the cold

Nightmare: Huh. It's the cold. And not that I told you 'Your face is adorable and I bet the rest of you is too?' 

Dark: *Blushing harder and has a voice crack* N-no


SSO and Bluebow again. I think I ship this a little too much lol-

Rainbow: My S.O. must be top of the line, organized, graceful-

Blue: Hi I'm Blu- *Trips on air, falls on his face, spills water all over Red, potted plant falls, spills dirt all over Green's head*

Rainbow: I want this one


Positive: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3AM to look at the stars

Negative: If anyone, and I mean ANYONE, wakes me up at 3AM to look at the freaking sky, they will be removed indefinitely from my life


Lucas: Sabre, you need to let the kids be more independent (the kids are Rainbow, Light and Galaxy, but on occasion Ig)

Sabre: What do you mean? I'm doing great at raising them to be independent

Lucas: Then why are you feeding Light meatballs and baby talking him?

Sabre: Because he's my baby


Negative: How does Shadow usually get out of a mess like this?

Dark: He doesn't. He just creates a bigger one to cancel out the first one


*Lucas and Light on a date*

Lucas and Light: *Both reach for the chicken at the same time and their fingers touch*

Also them: *Stares into each other's eyes as Careless Whisper starts playing*

*Dark and Nightmare on a date*

Nightmare and Dark: *Both reach for the chicken at the same time and their fingers touch*

Dark: Get your hands off my chicken


Void: I'm going to kill you

Sabre: This is so sad. Alexa, play the cute squeaky sound


You already know what it is- Bluebow and SSO-

Don't worry I actually make chapters dedicated to SSO later on

Blue, knocking on Rainbow's bedroom door: I'm sorry. Please talk to me

Blue: Hello? Most amazing person? Angel that I'd defend with my life? Cinnamon roll? Too good for this world? Too-

Rainbow: Sorry doesn't bring back my Skittles, Blue


*On Halloween*

Galaxy: Trick or YEET?

Child: Yeet?

Galaxy: *Yeets the child*

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