#154 (Rainbow Quest)

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Okay, but hear me out:

Dream SMP voicing Rainbow Quest characters.

KellyTheKitty4 and I had a whole conversation on this and we came up with this:

Nightmare = Dream (Ironic right?)
M = Karl
Professor Red = Quackity
Light = Sapnap
Dark = George
Red from season 1 = Skeppy
Indigo Leader = Ranboo
Beekeeper Orange Steve = Tubbo
Time = Wilbur
Elemental = Tommy
Soul = Fundy
Corruption = Eret
Green Steve (The one who lives alone) = Philza

T h i n k a b o u t i t

Sabre: Rainbow, can you carry this for me?

Depressed Rainbow: I don't know, I can barely carry the weight of my depression

Sabre: Rainbow, just pick up the freaking grocery bag


Elemental, laying in a hospital bed, about to get his appendix removed: If I die during this operation, will you do one thing for me?

Time: Of course, El

Elemental, grabbing Time by the collar: Blow up the fricking hospital


Corruption: I have decided that it is a bad idea, but I've also decided that I don't care


Sabre, laying on M: Mmh...?

M: Oh, you're awake? You've been asleep for the past 3 hours and I gotta get back to the kingdom

Sabre: Why didn't you wake me up?

M: You were sleeping

Sabre: But you needed to get back to the kingdom!

M: You needed sleep!


Light: You've been ignoring all of your problems!

Rainbow: I know

Light: You know that's unhealthy, right?

Rainbow: I'm ignoring that, too


Soul: Don't do anything stupid

Corruption: You and I both know that's asking way too much of me


This one is three separate incorrect quotes Kelly suggested, but since they work well together, I decided to combine them

Dark, watching Sabre and Shadow play Monopoly: So what are the rules of Monopoly??

Time, Sabre and Shadow, not even fazed, with Time hoping Sabre wins: If the game lasts over 4 hours, you get the legal right to kill the person who asked to play

Dark, who started the game: *Sweats nervously*

*2 hours later*

Violet Village Leader: What's up Dark?

Dark, looking over his shoulder, terrified: My heart rate

*Another 4 hours later*

Shadow, looking for Dark after 6 HOURS OF MONOPOLY: Where's Dark??

Sabre: He's short, he's probably hiding under something

Time and Dark in the Time Dimension, watching them look around pointlessly: Those fools


Rainbow: *Sees ladybug*

Rainbow: *Tips invisible hat* Ma'am


Void: I think I forgot something

Soul: Well, if you forgot it, then it probably wasn't important

Corruption, standing in a Walmart parking lot at 2AM in the rain:

𝙇𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙘. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now